Personal Impact of Phase 0 -“Seed Phase”
I am ready and willing to meet new people
If you are unwilling to meet new people then there is not much The Transition can do to help you meet your goals or dreams. Most people’s goals can not be accomplished by their own actions alone and thus need others to assist them either through instruction or mutual aid.
I have skills that I am willing to share
If you are unwilling to share your own skills it is then likely others are not willing to share their own skills with you to assist you and your goals. The Transition operates off of a system of reciprocity we are all able to accomplish more when we work together. When we change our own paradigms from a “me” to a “we” mindset we begin to experience the abundance that is all around us. The more self-centered we act the harder it becomes for us to reach the dreams we desire.
I know about non-violent communication or I watched this video
Just like when using a map if we don’t know where we currently are there is no way for us to begin to understand where it is we are heading. By reading and/or watching the video you begin to understand the mindset and upbringing you carry with you. By going through this process, you begin to realize that other people may have had experiences that helped form who they are today. This helps us develop compassion both for ourselves and each other. It also gives us a set of tools to help us negotiate new experiences now and in the future.
I am ready and willing to participate in The Transition
With each new supporter and Contributor The Transition acquires, the more power we gain to create a major impact and real positive change on the world at large. Even though you are one person your actions matter when done in conjunction with countless others all over the world. The Transition plugs you into the countless ways you can help make that difference you wish to see in the world.
I am invested in improving my education
As an organization, The Transition believes in continuing education no matter how young or old you are. There is always more to learn and always a new lens with which we can begin to view the world to have better understanding of the challenges we face. By investing in your education and challenging your own beliefs, you are able to arm yourself with knowledge to be the best version of yourself.
I have reviewed and endorsed The Transition’s Trust
It is our desire for everyone to be “on the same page” and understand the expectations laid out before them as well as the commitments that are being made to them. By reviewing this information you acknowledge the type of relationship that is being established between the organization as a whole and you as a beneficiary of the work we do.
Read morePersonal Impact of Phase I - Building Community/"Water Phase"
I understand The Function of BUDs
BUDs are the bedrock of The Transition and will help us manifest a Global Egalitarian System with the rest of the world. It all begins with the creation of BUDs so it is very important that all supporters and Contributors understand the function of them and how they work. The only way we can tackle global issues is by being able to collaborate and cooperate on a global scale and this can be done once people form BUDs.
I know about the different Types of BUDs
BUDs can fulfill many different purposes and a person can belong to more than one BUD. Understanding the different types of BUDs is important for each individual so they know which types of BUDs best meet their own personal needs.
I have learned about BUD Meeting Facilitation
A Global Egalitarian System can not work on the macro level if BUDs are not working properly on the micro level. In order to make well informed decisions that serve the needs of the people within the BUD as well as the planet and all that inhabits it, BUD Meetings must run properly. Having this education under your belt will also help you be on the same page with other BUDs and groups within The Transition Inter-Community Network should you travel and meet others on your journey.
I have learned about Decision-Making and the use of Formal Consensus in BUDs
Unlike voting Consensus does not operate on cohersion. It is important to know how to function in a consensus driven environment or you will find yourself without a BUD or not be able to have your individual voice heard on a macro level regarding global decisions.
I have reviewed the following page on Conflict Resolution:
- Assumptions about Conflict
- Separate Identification From Resolution
Personal Impact of Phase II – “Weeding” (Community)
I have watched the following videos called The Basics:
- The Most Astounding Fact
- You the People Have the Power
- What Really Motivates Us
- Unnecessary Consumption
- Declaration of Interdependence
- Start a Movement
- The Pale Blue Dot
Watching The Basics is like taking The Transition 101. It acts as a good overview in video form about what we are all about and the essence we carry with us through all of our work. For us to communicate with others from a standpoint that is productive and in line with expanding our consciousness, we have to observe our perceptions and how we are bringing in our ideas. Remember this change and movement isn’t about judging what is currently in place, being angry at it and changing it to make it better. It’s about choosing to step out and expand our possibility of what can be. Our belief systems of how things must be need to be left behind if we really want to open things up and move beyond our current way of experiencing. By watching these short videos you get a good introduction about what we stand for and the direction we are heading. By us shifting our own consciousness and way of seeing things, it will reflect powerfully onto others and will act as a powerful example for more people to begin changing. Believe it or not, shifting our own thinking is one of the most powerful things we can do.
I am aware of how to Find Nearby Supporters
Collaborating with others is a key way to create and expand your BUD to include like minded individuals. Building a community requires knowing who may be interested in assisting you in your endeavor. Those who have signed up for The Transition are looking to make an impact.
I am aware of how to find Free Wifi
If you are like most of our supporters you feel internet access is almost as essential as air. As an organization, we are always finding ways to reduce your expenses and make it easier to connect to other like-minded folks. Providing info about where to access free Wifi is just one of the many ways we try to accomplish this for our supporters and Contributors.
I am aware of the available Spaces
We know as a social change-maker you are unable to make a large impact in the work you do when your own basic necessities are not being met. By knowing where to find spaces to meet your needs, we hope to assist you in finding a place to lay your head at night as well as other spaces to help you support yourself, your local community or build or maintain a BUD.
I am aware of the available Objects
The Transition believes in living in such a way that we demonstrate the 6 R’s in our daily lives. By sharing our unwanted tangibles, we are able to eliminate waste and reduce the need for landfills. One person’s trash CAN BE another person’s treasure or much needed resource. By investing in ourselves and each other when we make these resources more readily available, we help our movement grow and thrive.
I am aware of the available BUDs
Knowing what BUDs are available is an essential first step in becoming more involved. You can chose to join an already established one or decide on creating a new BUD with a different focus than the ones in your local area to accomplish more collectively.
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Personal Impact of Phase III – “Harvesting” (Community)
Our BUD has 5 - 15 people
In our research, we have found that groups of individuals between 5-15 people tend to be more stable. The members in the group feel more supported. With a group of this size, the workload is more distributed and individuals within the group do not feel burdened or taken advantage of as long as the group has good communication skills, regular meetings, and proactive systems in place. After a group exceeds this number, they tend to split off like an organic cell discussed in biology, both BUDs may work together, but they may have separate focuses on projects that are closely related or complementary to each other.
Our BUD has created a written Trust
This is a key step most groups DO NOT do and it is the very thing that could have prevented conflict, disruption or even prevented the group from breaking-up. By creating a Trust your BUD is establishing what it is you are doing, where you are headed, and the expectations you have for one another. Often individuals assume things or create brittle agreements with one another and because of their different perceptions they have of these assumptions or disagreements it can lead to resentment, animosity, and worst of all the dissolution of their group entirely.
Our BUD has a minimum of one meeting per month which are posted on the Events page
Posting meetings is a great way to publicize that your BUD is active and engaged. By meeting frequently, a BUD can come together to make decisions, formulate plans and discuss ongoing projects. If a BUD meets less than once a month is is highly unlikely that they will be able to accomplish any of the goals they have individually or collectively as a group.
I am participating in one or more projects for our BUD
Projects are often times not always fun things to do that help make Missions successful. By taking on multiple projects, you are being responsible and taking ownership of being a part of the change you wish to be in the world to make it a better more sustainable, and resilient place for ourselves and the future generations still unborn.
Our BUD has done at least one of The Transition's Missions
Missions are key to the success of The Transition. Without BUDs creating and accomplishing goals associated to their Missions, The Transition’s work would be stagnant and effectively purposeless. By taking on Missions and completing them we collectively get closer to our unified goals.
Read morePersonal Impact of Phase IV – “Pollination” (Community)
Our BUD has found a mentoring BUD
Mentoring BUDs can help streamline or make other BUDs more effective. They can do this by offering advice, tips and tricks or answering questions that a BUD may have.
Our BUD agreed on a location and acquired land
Finding and acquiring land is the first step in forming a real world community. This step can be a lengthy process as all members need to be in agreement about where their community will be settled.
All of our BUD members are located on the land
There is a special kind of synergy that happens when a group of like-minded individuals with a united vision and goal are physically in the same place. Ideas flow more easily, people become more productive and motivated, and the bigger picture that was once only in the dream stage is now becoming reality. Whether you start out co-housing or are financially stable enough to begin a larger intentional community living together is the next step to having a more stable lifestyle that can support and aid your social change work.
Our BUD has pooled all of it's resources into a "Stone Soup" inventory which is actively managed
Pooling resources is how we can all do more with less. The more access we have to items in our community the less of a need there is to own duplicates of the same thing when most of the time those items sit around waiting to be used.
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