Look at the Progress You've Made in 2017!
Throughout the year The Transition Team has been privileged to hear about all the wins and successes registered website users are having in their private lives during their Review Sessions. Here are some of the highlights of the things we have heard about:
- Pooled funds with their BUD to invest in land to start their own intentional community
- Repaired their relationships with family members and a friend they have not spoken to in over 10 years with resources provided by their Point Person
- United their BUD from separate states in order to move collectively to another country to start their intentional community
- Wrote a Trust with their BUD
- Registered their BUD on The Transition website
- Became a Transition volunteer
- Started their intentional community
- Begun to determine their BUD's strengths in order to form cottage industries to collectively earn income to support themselves
- Got featured on a podcast to talk about and highlight their project
- Attended the Twin Oaks Communities Conference
- Finished the current Phase they were on Your Action Plan
- Developed new skills they can register on the site
- Completed a course or certification program
- Determined the intention behind their project
- Begun to have regular BUD meetings
- Hosted a potluck
- Lead a workshop on their area of expertise
- Completed the filming and editing of their documentary and had a successful launch
- Began to utilize Non-Violent Communication in their everyday life
- Joined a pre-existing BUD
We've realized that The Transition could be much more successful if users also took the time to develop a summary of some of their progress and successes and submitted them to The Transition, so we can highlight them on our Updates page. This way other people can see that The Transition does "work" and that users are experiencing different levels of success while using Your Action Plan. To help us do that please keep our team informed by submitting your own personal gains and wins at our Report Portal.
Reaching Out To Serve You Better
The Transition (www.thetransition.org) is an organization that was formed in part to better serve the intentional community and
co-op business community, to help make their impact on cultural shift have even more of an impact. We are interested in learning more about the budgets and platforms you work with in order to spread awareness about your intentional communities and community owned or related businesses, so that we might serve you and your needs better. So, that we can better serve you please answer the following questions and send your responses to Contact Us:
Do you have an advertising and or marketing budget? (If so how much per month/year?)
Through what mediums do you promote? -Dedicated Website, SEO, Search Engine Ads, Television Ads, Radio Ads, Magazine Ads, Website Banner Ads, Classified Ads (Print/Online), Newsletters (Print/E-mail), Directory Listings(Print/Online), Social Network Pages (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest etc), Social Network Ad Space, Blog(s), Trade Shows, Conferences (Tabling/Sponsorship), Brochures/Flyers, Earned Media-
With whom do you promote? Please specify the specific names of those you buy advertising space or marketing services from regarding your answers to #2.
Do you currently participate in holidays promotions or co-op media buys?
Do you partner with any other nearby or similar intentional communities or organizations for advertising or marketing purposes?
Do you currently cross promote via web presence on related websites that target the same niche demographic?
What is the ROI (return on investment) you are seeing with the budget and platforms you are currently using?
Would you promote more aspects of your group or organization if it was bundled or tied in with the fees you are already paying for advertising and marketing( i.e. speaking engagements, blogs, books written by community members or about community, numerous community owned businesses instead of just one etc.)?
Is your current advertising and or marketing strategy meeting the needs or expectations of the group or organization you serve?
Are you attracting quality and qualified leads from your current advertising and marketing methods?
Do you have a dedicated staff that works exclusively on your advertising or marketing needs?
What would be ideal for your group or organization in regards to the work you do regarding advertising and marketing and the results you get?
How do you feel those that provide advertising and marketing to you currently could improve?
We appreciate your time and feedback and look forward to serving the needs you you bring up in this questionnaire.
Do You Want to Start an Evolution?
Our team has members in multiple US states, we have formed an organization to better serve the intentional community and co-op business community, to help make their impact on cultural shift have even more of an impact.
Our team belongs to a larger online group that has over 9,000 members and growing with a reach of well over a million (that we are currently in the process of migrating to our website now that it is officially launched). We know our work could be more effective if we our core team lived closer together, or better yet under one roof! The faster we get an actual tangible location for our organization THE MORE WILLING our supporters will be to help out whether it is volunteering their skills,resources or funds in order to propel our organization. Wherever we reside our supporters and their efforts come with us. Do you have developed land or a building we can use for our headquarters (to live and work) to start our organization?
My background is marketing, merchandising, small business, and high-end retail and I am happy to lend those skill-sets to the community I reside in. My peers often choose me for leadership, organizing, or planning type roles because they know I get results and things are done in a timely manner. I have founded and been president of social justice related organizations throughout my life. I have no children, I do not do drugs and drink occasionally.
Our core team and supporter base have varied skills as well, ranging from hydroponics, public speaking, and writing code etc. The Transition Team uses Formal Consensus to run our meetings and decision making and have found it to be effective. We also have a list of over 50 key people from our supporter base who could start our headquarters with us, but due to home insecurity or other personal reasons are not current members of our team as they are unable to consistently attend meetings.
Here are some key things to know about us:
OUR MISSION: "We unite people who are willing to take action towards enhancing and protecting all life and our environment for future generations. Our purpose is to construct real solutions by providing the support, space, and resources to do so via our collective knowledge and common heritage of the Earth's resources."
Our Values
We are preferably looking for warm climate locations, anyone who is interested should Contact Us. If you would like to stay in the loop of our progress please register on our site and begin Your Action Plan to get the ball rolling.
Get half or more off on Books, Magazines, and Movies!
The Fellowship for Intentional Community is immensely grateful for our supporters, members, donors, and bookstore customers. Your support keeps us going, both emotionally and financially. We strive to return the support with content and resources useful to you in community and cooperation. Thank you!
In appreciation, we are offering over half-off for 35 books and DVD's, and on nearly all Communities magazine back issues! You'll find a variety of titles that focus on the topics we care about most: sustainability, climate change, group dynamics, communication, stories of building community and so much more!
See the entire sale lineup at the Holiday Half-Off Sale page and peruse the back-issues here.