Phase 0 Recommended Reading

As an organization we encourage individuals with limited incomes to find these titles at your local library or borrow from a fellow Transition website user. However, if you have the means and like to own books you can purchase these titles and support The Transition by clicking on the covers below and purchasing them online.

nickel_and_dimed.jpg fast_food_nation.jpg the_gardens_of_democracy.jpg philanthrocapitalism.jpg the_book_of_community.jpg
Why_you're_stuck.jpg robots_will_steal_your_job.jpg the_zero_maginal_cost_society.jpg nonviolent_comminication.jpg as_a_man_thinketh.jpg  
a_guide_to_the_present_moment.jpg love_book.jpg the_internet_is_my_religion.jpg the_conquest_of_bread.jpg a_framwork_of_understanding_poverty.jpg


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