"Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is merely daydreaming, but vision with action can change the world."
~ Nelson Mandela
People often ask us "What Can I Do?"
To achieve our mission, we believe in combining online and offline activism.
Of course, there are many ways to effect change in the world: political campaigns or lobbying, direct action protests and rallies, consciousness raising groups, etc. We see the need in our world to work primarily outside the system to define and demonstrate new cultures, sometimes radically different from the mainstream. Below is a list of various suggested activities our supporters have put together that they find to be most effective. You can do these on your own time to learn more about The Transition and help promote it to spread awareness!
We welcome your suggestions (via our Suggestion Box) to improve this list so we can be an example of positive, intentional social change!
Start completing the steps outlined in Your Action Plan
Things you can do:
Print and Distribute
- The official The Transition Brochure. (Under Development- We are looking for a Graphic Designer)
- A Vindication of Human Dignity Brochure
- 6 Principles of Non-Violence Flyer
- Our official informational flyers during other cultural and social fairs in your area. ( Under Development- We are looking for a Graphic Designer)
- Our official posters in schools, colleges, and universities. We've discovered bathroom/lavatory stalls are one of the most effective places you can put them in these types of venues. (Under Development- We are looking for a Graphic Designer)
-Asking people in your community to sign up for our e-mail (on our Home page) list to show their support for the work we are doing is one of the best and easiest ways to raise awareness locally, and to bring more voices to our cause. It's easy to get started, too—you can work as a group with friends and neighbors, or you can take action on your own. Below are a few tips and tricks for successfully asking others to get involved.
- Make an “I'm Part of The Transition!” Video like this one and send directly to us via our Contact Form.
- Distribute copies of the DVD versions of the films found in our Movie Vault. They are great as gifts, rewards or take-aways at large fairs, festivals, and events.
Get Social
You can help us grow our network of people willing to take action for the environment. Tweet, blog, and feature our content on Facebook and other social network platforms.
- Join our Facebook Community and Help Spread the Word (Looking for Facebook Page Manager)
- Any time you see a fellow Transition Supporter or Contributor sharing content about The Transition on their Facebook profile give it a Love so others see they are not alone. It also inspires the person who shared that content to share more!
- Share viral images from our Meme Portal on your Facebook, Pinterest, and other social networks to raise awareness of what we are doing.
- Research new technologies and share your discoveries with the Tech Research / Facebook Teams via our Contact Us page.
- List yourself as a Supporter/Contributor/Volunteer/Seed/ BUD Team Member/Translator on your Facebook personal profile. Be sure NOT to imply or state that you work for The Transition.
- Share the videos we call The Basics on your profile.
- Change your Political Views to Global Egalitarian System.
- Change your cover image to one of The Transition designs.
- Share content off our Facebook page by following the guidelines given in the “Long Description” section.
- Follow us on Twitter (Looking for Twitter Manager)
- Subscribe to our Youtube channel and share our videos (Looking for YouTube Channel Manager)
- Share memes from our Meme Portal.
Once you have reached Phase II and are properly educated about what The Transition is about you can volunteer and take a more active role in all the positive things our organization is doing.
- Since we are a young organization we need lots of help with getting more people involved. You can help us by using your referral link found on the Spread the Word page.
- Review the roles for Volunteering and see if there are any roles you can fulfill.
- Register your Skills so we know who to turn to when someone needs help with something you specialize in.
- Once you are a Contributor you can learn more about the specific needs of others in The Transition Inter-Community Network and help them out by contacting them about their Classified ads.
Build Support
Get Trained
How Are You Helping?
Sources: Metta Center: What is a Road-map, A Vindication of Human Dignity Brochure, Pixabay
Contributors: geralt, Metta Center, Tumisu
Recommended Reading: Metta Center: What is a Road-map, A Vindication of Human Dignity Brochure