Phase I - Building Community/"Soil Phase"


  • Contributors establish or join a BUD (Basic Unit of Decision-making) of like-minded people. (A BUD ideally consists of 5 to soil.jpg15 people maximum.)


  • Contributors take part in the development and use of the main virtual hub (Imagi-Nation CO-OPeration found on for sharing information, presentations, solutions to problems, and designs for systems.


  • BUDs have meetings regularly; weekly meetings are preferable, but once a month meetings are the minimum.  In person meetings are preferred over virtual collaboration.


  • A written Trust is established to govern each BUD which gives everyone clear understanding of their responsibilities and purpose.




  • Contributors in each BUD come together to form their BUD’s “Stone Soup” Inventory.


  • Ephemeralization Projects are proposed, assessed, and developed by BUDs to fully sustain the Basic Needs of the target population.



  • The Contributors from each BUD compile their knowledge and life experiences into a BUD “Stone Soup” Inventory, and then collectively for the Community “Stone Soup” Inventory for resource management and accounting:
  • Intellectual property
    • Systems designs, blueprints, digital designs, etc.
    • Professional skills/Services (plumbing, electrician, nutritionist, etc)
    • Legal Intellectual property (copyrights, patents, trademarks, etc.)
    • Hobby knowledge
    • Volunteer experience
    • World data/events


  • Physical property (3d printers, tools, vehicles, cookware, silverware, clothing, etc)


  • Social Resources
    • Contacts and networks
    • Representation at Associations, Clubs, and Conferences


  • Assets
    • Contributed Income
    • Savings
    • Investments
    • Donations


  • Benchmarks are arrived at and used -via The Scientific Method- to empirically define efficiency ratings for resources as well as defining Environmental Limits.


  • The Community Carrying Capacity is calculated and used to gauge Cultural Sustainability.
    • A survey is done to see what resources are available in the Community “Stone Soup” Inventory
    • Needs and wants of the Transitional Community are assessed
    • Rates of Production are considered and improved (via Ephemeralization Projects)
    • External Monetary Acquisition is any overhead that the Transitional Community needs to maintain the target population’s desired standard of living.
  • Maximum Public Health is highest priority.  Requirements for Maximum Public Health entail Maximum Cultural Sustainability and Maximum Ecological Sustainability - all variables are considered holistically in a System’s Approach.


  • The BUD determines if Basic Skill Sets are available to form the new Transitional Community on a firm foundation:
  • Food production and preservation
  • Water collection and filtration
  • Renewable energy systems
  • Housing construction
  • Clothing production/acquisition
  • Education
  • Automation and Closed-Loop systems
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Nutrition
  • Transportation
  • Recycling systems
  • Engineering
  • Recreation

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Sources: Pixabay

Contributors: Free-Photos

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