T-Shirts & Gifts
Want awesome t-shirts and gifts now?
Help refer new people to The Transition website! Once we have a total of 10,000 Contributors we will build the store and make your swag dreams happen!
Purchase Products More Consciously
As we spend money on products we are by default supporting it. It's key for everyone to begin making more conscious choices on what we choose to buy. Are we buying random goods we don’t really need? Are we purchasing to fill voids within ourselves? Are we choosing toxic products vs environmentally friendly and harmonious products? Are we able to DIY many of the things we buy? Often times a little bit of research can go a long way to realizing that by reusing or recycling an existing product, we can replace the need to purchase more goods. Thinking before we buy is another small step we can take collectively to begin removing our support from non-harmonious products.
Welcome to our store! To find the specific thing you are looking for please choose the category that best suits your needs.
T-Shirts & Gifts
Books & Educational Materials
Contributor Businesses
Grocery & Apothecary
Online Shopping Mall
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products
Contributor Businesses
Here you will find our Contributor businesses that belong to people who participate in the transition This section is not to be confused with Our Co-ops which are businesses typically owned by a community that share assets among the community and those that work in it. If we buy from each others businesses we are starving "the beast" and essentially reinvesting our funds to people who will be contributing to our goals.
Solar Panels
Our Mission
" [Love] It is the experience of solidarity with our fellow creatures."
~ Erich Fromm
We share a mission. We believe this mission will change the world, and we work together to achieve it. We stand on each other's shoulders and bolster each other up to achieve more. We are always learning, teaching, and helping one another achieve our shared mission. We work as a team no matter where we are located in relation to each other.
The Transition inspires, encourages, supports, networks and trains individuals and their communities as they consider, adopt, adapt, and implement the Transition approach to community empowerment and action.We are passionate about bringing projects that promote organic farming, alternative transportation, clean drinking water, renewable energy, and green building together; directly from the grassroots individuals and organizations around the world who initiate them. With their help we blend the unique perspectives of our Contributors on the local scale to form global solutions. With our commitment to be a sustainable organization we make a point to work with the best local and global talent to share our vision for a better future, as well as work with us to make it a reality.
We contribute back to our communities in order to advocate a healthy lifestyle, the conservation of natural resources as well as use the medium of music and the arts to convey our message. With a special focus on street-involved youth and families living in poverty we encourage community involvement through voluntarism, education and programming. We help others enhance their food and housing security, learn life skills, as well as build confidence to make the transition to a more sustainable lifestyle and eventually a Global Egalitarian System. We strive to create an inclusive community where all members have the skills, confidence and support to live a healthy life. It is part of our pledge to each other, and to the world we are capable of creating, to help each other live life to the fullest. Because our method of production -within communities- is based on scientific benchmarks to meet everyone’s needs, instead of what’s most profitable, exchange between Contributors requires no monetary attachment.
If this sounds like something you can get behind
The Transition Sponsored Businesses
The Transition takes an active role in the business decisions to help it become successful and supplies financing support, labour through community contribution if needed, website creation and support, and marketing. Businesses of this kind are established to create on-going income for both the individual and The Transition and maintain their association with and support of the community even if the business owner is no longer a community member. Capital for business building is created and maintained by all income streams of The Transition and allocated by community consensus.
To become a community sponsored business, members with business ideas present a detailed business plan to the complete membership of the community for consensus on viability and community sponsorship. If 100% of community membership agrees that a business is viable, The Transition will then sponsor the business and provide a grant or 0% interest loan and staffing (through community contribution) for the business creation. The criteria for business sponsorship are:
● Submission of complete business plan
● Consensus agreement to sponsor business
● Business must require only temporary community staffing support
● Business must be in alignment with The Transition's triple-bottom-line foundation
● Business model should take no longer than 1 year to be profitable AND repay supplied start-up costs
● Businesses with associated maintenance costs must maintain 1 year of business operation costs in a solvency account to be managed by The Transition
Some examples of possible businesses are:
- Real Estate & Finance
- Forestry
- Responsible & Sustainable Wood Milling
- Construction & Development of Alternative Environmentally Friendly Structures
- Education & Eco-tourism
- Local Services
- Art & Culture
- Electronic Businesses & Merchanting
- Value-Added Agriculture & Horticulture
Note: Businesses desiring sponsorship that requires community contribution staffing will not be available until there is sufficient infrastructure in place.
Coconut Oil Based
3 Tbsp coconut oil
3 Tbsp baking soda
2 Tbsp shea butter
2 Tbsp arrowroot powder
Use a glass jar in a pot of water on the stove to melt your shea butter with the coconut oil. Add essential oil drops to suit your own sent preferences or leave it plain if you like. Pour in the dry ingredients (already pre mixed) and stir until well blended. As it sits, it will firm up. Use your fingers to apply as you would with lotion Easy!
The Transition is working to develop standards that can be used to empower The Transition Inter-Community Network with optimized collective intelligence. We have a highly-motivated community working to do amazing things and our standards help make those things happen. Our standards are simply good ideas that others can build upon to make interaction more pleasurable and meaningful. If standards are good, they tend to often be adopted. If they are not so good, then perhaps they can be adapted into something more valuable.We will also be keeping careful watch on standards emerging elsewhere.
Some standards will be used as measuring sticks to assess the state of development of our BUDs so that the public and the Seeds of each BUD will have some information to bring to their BUDs to reflect upon in order to make guesses as to what they might want to do next regarding their group organization. Standards matter because the people we deal with on a day to day basis can hold us accountable to them. They matter because they’re how we look at problems, devise responses and interact with people. They matter because the field that we’re operating in can knock us sideways, and it’s really useful to have something solid to grab hold of. These are the standards that The Transition abide by as an organization, and we hope to model them in such as way that other Contributors realize the value in adopting them as well.
- Do no harm.
- Respect each other, and the time and effort they are contributing.
Be civil. No personal attacks. No spam.
Contributors have the choice to speak up if they feel their feelings are not respected.
Our Contributors recognise the responsibility to present Transition related information in ways which are playful, articulate, accessible and engaging, and which enable people to feel enthused and empowered rather than powerless.
- Always consider if your work and actions are in the best interest of The Transition and not your personal ego.
Contributors examine themselves through contemplation. They are individually and collectively self-aware of the world outside themselves, the world inside themselves, and the relationship between the two. Be sure to be responsible for the energy you bring to our online and offline communities, & events.
- Only commit to projects if you have the time availability and skill-set to fulfill the needed task.
If you say you are going to do something, then follow through with that promise. Contributors should hold each other accountable to insure tasks are completed. Your having the integrity to be honest leaves room for others to show what they bring to the table and this develops many leaders.
- This website is a "Safe Zone". Together we are creating an environment with diverse Contributors.
In order for us to succeed in Our Mission we need an unprecedented coming together of the broad diversity of society. Contributors dedicate themselves to ensuring that their decision making processes and their BUDs embody principles of openness and inclusion. Please participate without judgment, expectations and the need to fix one another; true, genuine community is the art and practice of being who we truly are while we honor others doing the same. We are all a part of this community and the more we embrace the diversity of backgrounds and ideas globally, the greater our collective, creative, and combined forward movement potential. There is no room for ‘them and us’ thinking. Our greatest opportunity for impact lies not just in connecting people to us and to our ideas, but in creating a safe place where people can connect with and support each other in the quest to take the sustained action that leads to deep and profound change.
- Contributors resolve conflicts with wisdom and grace.
If a problem is brought to light, a possible solution is then brought to the table, or an adjustment to a pre-existing process or structure is suggested. Once brought up, the solution and suggestions are decided upon using Formal Consensus so that contributors can bring together their multiple perspectives to better understand the whole context of the situation. Doing this will allow for decisions to be more inclusive and humble, rather than one-sided and arrogant.
- Wisdom comes in all forms: Contributors harness the “flow of leadership” to make decisions and set a course of action. It is the spirit of collaboration in community itself that leads and not any single individual.
The internet and this social change platform make it possible for everyone to be a leader. Humanity is now connected, and that both enables and demands a new kind of leadership. Together we can create tomorrow, today. Just be authentic, build direct relationships, empower other people, and have the courage to share your real self with the world.
- One account per person and only accounts with real names are allowed for people, places and organizations.
* A "real" name is a name you go by in everyday life. It can be a chosen name and not a birth-given name. No "avatar" names are allowed. The Transition Inter-Community Network is filled with authentic people who meet each other and collaborate in person as well as online. If you wish to lurk in the shadows and remain anonymous this website is not for you.