Karen Fischbach published What stores do you most frequent online and off for your regular monthly spending? in Suggestion Box 2018-12-27 15:56:35 -0600 on December 27, 2018 at 03:56 PM (CST)
What stores do you most frequent online and off for your regular monthly spending?
The Transition supporters/Contributors: What stores do you most frequent online and off for your regular monthly spending? - Karen Fischbach Premier feed cooperative, Viroqua Food Cooperative, and Morningstar Grocery - the local Amish grocery. About 95% of my purchases occur at one of those stores.
Karen Fischbach donated via Nicole Bienfang 2019-02-02 06:30:26 -0600 on February 02, 2019 at 06:30 AM (CST)
Contribute Monthly
You know that for a moneyless world tomorrow we have to chip in today to make it happen. Your small contribution helps
maintain the site as well as fund co-op projects and expansion all over the world. Your $5.00 Contributorship dues are vital to sustaining The Transition and expanding its activities in The Transition Inter- Community Network. With a click of the button your Contributorship instantly goes to:
- Technology: Servers, bandwidth, maintenance, development & other operating expenses.
- Subsidize free events:special programming ranging from movie screenings to potlucks.
- People and Projects: The top websites on the internet have thousands of employees. We have a small team to support a wide variety of projects, making your Contributorship and additional donations a great investment in a highly-efficient organization.
We can only accomplish our goals because of Contributors like YOU!
Karen Fischbach published Feedback in Suggestion Box 2018-07-09 11:58:11 -0500 on July 09, 2018 at 11:58 AM (CDT)
This isn't really a suggestion, but feedback from a person I was having a conversation with on FB, "Veronica-Mae Soar Karen Fischbach I had a quick look at the site and it was rather too complicated and full of too much stuff. It needs to become much simpler and more user friendly. I know people have worked hard on TT website and have made it the best they have been able, under the past and present circumstances. So this isn't a criticism, but simply feedback. No official response from TT team is requested by me.
Karen Fischbach commented on Contact Us 2017-12-29 12:29:22 -0600 on December 29, 2017 at 12:29 PM (CST)I need to stop making monthly contributions. How do I cancel the $5 automatic contribution to The Transition?
Contact Us!
If none of the below items apply to you just fill out the information in the fields below.
- Have questions about our website, organization or other things related to The Transition? Check out our FAQ section of our website.
- Want to give us a Progress Report on one of the Events you've put on? Give us the details in our Report Portal.
- Would you like to ask us for funding for your project? Please fill out this form with your request!
- Would you like your Intentional Community listed in our directory? Go here to find out how!
- Would you like your Co-op listed in our directory? Go here to find out how!
- Do you have a complaint about one of The Transition's communities, businesses, or co-ops? Please provide thorough information in the box below.
- Are you a Contributor of The Transition and would like your business to be listed in the Contributor Businesses section of our store? Please fill out this form with all of your info.
- Would you like to submit information for ImagiNATION CO-OPeration? Gives us all the juicy details down below!
- Would you like to submit a music video for our Jukebox? Please be sure to provide the link to the video as well as a link to the lyrics for the song when submitting in the box below.
- Would you like to host a movie screening in your local area? Please submit it on our Events page.
- Do you love to research advancements and new technology? Send us the links of your discoveries so we can share them with others.
- Got an internet meme you can't resist sharing? Send us the link and we might add it to our favorite internet memes portal!
All Others:
- Want to learn more about The Transition before you get involved? Browse our Transition FAQ for more info!
- Do you have a business that would appeal to our members, that has 500 employees or more? Go here to find out how you can be a featured business.
For the following categories:
- Did you find some typos, broken links or videos that don't work?
- Do you have a project idea you think we should work on?
- Did you find an awesome tool that you want to share that would help make collaboration even easier?
- Do you think our Standards are missing something?
Please submit to our Suggestion Box.
Karen Fischbach posted about Report Portal on Facebook 2018-07-09 12:37:27 -0500 on July 09, 2018 at 12:37 PM (CDT)Report Portal
Report Portal
Thanks for helping make a difference in your community.
How did you help out The Transition, on a grassroots level, in your community?
- Volunteered at a local event
- Helped friends and family get involved
- Shared your story
- Wrote a letter to a local paper
- Shared a story on Twitter or Facebook
- Helping the Transition Team to work on the website
- Something else?
Be sure to include how many hours of your time you contributed as well!Take a few minutes to tell us which activities you took part in, and let us know how it went.
Submit Progress
Karen Fischbach donated via Nicole Bienfang 2019-04-13 15:09:45 -0500 on April 13, 2019 at 03:09 PM (CDT)
Can you help us keep the lights on?
Why do we need your financial support? Services we offer like Your Action Plan are FREE for you, but not for us. Maintaining and improving our website not only costs a lot of time, but money as well. For example, there are hardware and software costs, telecommunication costs and more. This project is not backed by a company, so there is no fixed funding and every minute we spend on it is taken from our spare time. We rely on the goodwill and generosity of people like you to continue our work until our
goal of a Global Egalitarian System is a reality. Your Contributions ensures that we remain fiercely independent and able to act in the best interest of humanity. It isn't free, or even cheap, to run The Transition, and the future is a long way away (depending on how active you and others like you are in getting involved and squashing your fears).
Your landlord probably won't barter for rent. We have cash expenses too.
The Transition runs on generosity, mutual respect, and collaborative efforts.
Can you help with a contribution of $5, $10, or $20?
A little goes a long way.
$5= a month of server time
$20=1 domain for a year
$50= Nationbuilder software for 1 month
$60= One Year of Leadership Training
Of course, you can donate any amount you regard appropriate. We hope you get an idea of some of the things we have to pay for in order to maintain this website and our organization, for you.
So to make sure we can keep this all up and running, we would really appreciate your support!
With your support, we will work to prevent homelessness, poverty and incite an energy revolution; to protect and preserve our planet; to keep genetically engineered ingredients out of your food by teaching you how to plant and grow your own. We plan to create a peaceful and nuclear-free future.
Did you know: You can help donate funds without spending anything extra? Yup, Amazon pays us a little commission of whatever you buy, whether it be a product recommended here or anything else, if you follow this Amazon link. This helps us pay for servers and other necessary expenses to keep us running. Help Us -- Buy at Amazon. Bookmark our Amazon reference link to drop us a little commission every time you buy from them.
Donate today!
Our site exists so that creative solution oriented people (like yourself) can help each other produce results for their grassroots efforts that make global impact . More work gets done in networks of shared respect and shared resources than in competitive isolation. By honoring agreements and working hard, Contributors of The Transition Inter-Community Network will build lasting ties in a community of enormous potential.
With your help we can create a brighter tomorrow we can all be proud of!
Karen Fischbach commented on Unnecessary Consumption 2016-10-18 22:05:25 -0500 on October 18, 2016 at 10:05 PM (CDT)Watching this I become impatient to find ways to meet my needs and those of the community around me in self sustaining ways. I already look for and try to implement as many renewable, locally available alternatives to consumer products as possible, but would like to have more time to devote to this.
Karen Fischbach endorsed 2016-09-15 16:15:19 -0500 on September 15, 2016 at 04:15 PM (CDT)
Our Trust
After reading this, please endorse below as The Transition sees YOU as one of our many beneficiaries.
Intent: We unite and empower people to take positive action towards enhancing and protecting all life and our environment for future generations.
Purpose: Our purpose is to construct real solutions by providing the support, space, and resources for the common heritage of the Earth's resources and to do so via our collective knowledge. We are committed to building community projects that promote organic farming, alternative transportation, clean drinking water, renewable energy, green building, and using music and the arts to convey the message.
With a special focus on street-involved youth and families living in poverty, we encourage community involvement through collaborative volunteerism, education, programs and media events. We help others enhance their food and housing security, learn life skills, and build confidence to make the transition to a more sustainable lifestyle - leading to a Global Egalitarian System for the good of all.
We strive to create an inclusive community where all members have the skills, confidence, and support to live a healthy life. It is our pledge to each other and to the world we are creating, to help each other live life to the fullest.
Our method of collaboration within our Transition Inter-Community Network is based on scientific benchmarks to meet everyone's’ needs - instead of what’s most profitable - therefore exchange between members requires no monetary attachment.
- Information
- Benchmarks
- Designs
- Procedures
- Documentaries & Films
- Funding for expansion
- Intentional Communities
- Co-ops
- Community of like-minded members
- How-tos and demonstrations
- Events and media programs
- Contributor Business Promotion
- Branding
- BUD Weekly meetings.
- Formal Consensus as described in On Conflict & Consensus, & Consensus for Cities.
- Self assignment of tasks during scheduled meetings.
- Scientific Method (Plan, Do, Study, Act)
- If a problem is brought to light, a possible solution is then brought to the table, or an adjustment to a pre-existing process or structure is suggested.
- We use the wisdom of the crowd via polls, 1 on 1 anecdotal interviews pooled together and reviewed for trends, as well as various types of crowdsourcing.
Responsibilities of Trustees:
- Be a beacon of example
- To serve the Contributors
- Adhere to Team Commitments
- Maintain website
- Be a source of support for fellow members
- Provide outreach to other intentional communities, co-ops, organizations, and other similar movements.
- Align values and behaviors with The Transition Benchmarks
- Do continual personal education
- Develop systems and procedures
- Maintain Communal mindset towards Egalitarian lifestyle
- Understand that all work created for and done on behalf of The Transition remain with The Transition, even if one leaves the BUD and is no longer able to fulfill the role or obligations of a Trustee.
Grantors: Mike Upstone & Nicole Bienfang
Beneficiaries: I hereby agree to the following statement:
I will participate in the positive, inclusive decision-making structure of The Transition and abide by the decisions made in my Contributorship to The Transition. I bring my integrity and commitment to the ideals of trust, respect, self-empowerment, cooperation, equal access to power, and non-violence. I am committed to the vision of diverse membership of The Transition and the site is considered a “Safe Zone". I hereby agree to treat everyone equal of value with differing gifts and Contribute for the good of all. I will attempt to minimize barriers to Contributors of any groups wishing to participate.
(Please endorse below if you agree to abide by this Trust and all statements made herein. Use of this site is considered an implied agreement to this Trust even if your name is absent from the “signatures” below.)
Karen Fischbach commented on There's No Way... 2016-09-15 11:33:00 -0500 on September 15, 2016 at 11:33 AM (CDT)I can really relate to this meme.
Karen Fischbach - [email protected]
I believe in creating a sustainable, egalitarian society and I agree the only way to approach the current situation is to create a better alternative.
I'm a middle aged woman living alone on a small, organic farm in Western Wisconsin.
Donate on behalf of Karen Fischbach: