Nicole Bienfang published Set Your Intention- Step 6 in Set Your Intention 2020-12-30 22:47:34 -0600 on December 30, 2020 at 10:47 PM (CST)
Set Your Intention- Step 6
Now let's piece everything together from steps 1-5 by filling out a Mission Model Canvas.
On the Mission Model Canvas you will be able to walk yourself through the foundation pieces that will make your project a success.
It will cover:
- Your Mission for your project
- Your Core Values for your project
- The problem(s) you hope to address with your project
- Who you intend to help with your project
- What can be a viable solution to address the noted problem(s)
- How your project can help your target demographic
- How you will implement your project as a solution
- Who will help you
- The things you need to do your project
- How you plan on engaging your community
- Where you will find or acquire end-users for your project
- What it will cost you and your team to run your project
- Where you will get the funding to start and maintain your project
- What kind of impact your project will make
Feel free to print out the canvas multiple times if you have multiple projects in mind you want to work on!
Print Out Your Own Blank Canvas Here
Go to Step 7
Inspired by: CauseLabs, Sheryle Gillihan
Contributors: CauseLabs, Sheryle Gillihan
Recommend Reading: Growing Positive Impact with the Mission Model Canvas
Nicole Bienfang responded to Directories link in sidebar logs me out with planned 2020-12-15 02:55:53 -0600 on December 15, 2020 at 02:55 AM (CST)
Directories link in sidebar logs me out
Consistently it makes me log in again.
Nicole Bienfang responded to Song for Jukebox with considering 2020-07-10 00:04:02 -0500 on July 10, 2020 at 12:04 AM (CDT)
Nicole Bienfang donated via Jon Norcross 2025-02-04 04:50:42 -0600 on February 04, 2025 at 04:50 AM (CST)
Contribute Monthly
You know that for a moneyless world tomorrow we have to chip in today to make it happen. Your small contribution helps
maintain the site as well as fund co-op projects and expansion all over the world. Your $5.00 Contributorship dues are vital to sustaining The Transition and expanding its activities in The Transition Inter- Community Network. With a click of the button your Contributorship instantly goes to:
- Technology: Servers, bandwidth, maintenance, development & other operating expenses.
- Subsidize free events:special programming ranging from movie screenings to potlucks.
- People and Projects: The top websites on the internet have thousands of employees. We have a small team to support a wide variety of projects, making your Contributorship and additional donations a great investment in a highly-efficient organization.
We can only accomplish our goals because of Contributors like YOU!
Nicole Bienfang tagged Millie Holliday's Millie Holliday's Expectations with important 2019-11-20 21:55:25 -0600 on November 20, 2019 at 09:55 PM (CST)
Millie Holliday's Expectations
1. The Transition will help me address homelessness and economic issues in Johnson City, TN in sustainable ways
2. I intend to engage on the site daily
3. I expect to do the bulk of the work to get my projects off the ground
4. I plan to be heavily invested in the transition for years to come
5. By raising funds along with the organizations I'm trying to improve
6. My professional goals are my personal goals. I want to nurture my personal development by nurturing my community's development.
7. I am willing to contribute to the give and take of this online community of movers.
8. I am willing to promote the site to fellow movers and shakers because it's the tool that I think my community needs to get our projects out of the idea stage.
9. I expect this site to accelerate my career
10. I think it's going to be a little slow at first but then it will steadily speed up
11. I feel like all of my expectations are reasonable because I am not going to set myself up for failure
12. I want to improve my community by acting as a quasi consultancy to work with local non-profits, businesses, and homeless agencies in the city to achieve their goals and accomplish projects in my interests (reducing homelessness and improving homeless prevention efforts).
Nicole Bienfang responded to Get Off Your "Buts" addition with planned 2019-02-09 23:30:21 -0600 on February 09, 2019 at 11:30 PM (CST)
Get Off Your "Buts" addition
I think my biggest "but" was something like "but I don't even know what I want out of life. I don't know where I'm going or even where I want to/should be going. I don't have clarity. I have a vague idea of what I want my life to look like but I don't know how to clearly define my goal." Doing the Passion Principles exercise on nicolebienfang.com helped me with this. I now have clarity that my goal/destination is to create a life for myself in which I am living/realizing my passion principles that I discovered from doing that exercise. Thank you Nicole.
Nicole Bienfang responded to Video unavailable at https://www.thetransition.org/set_your_intention_step_1 with completed 2018-11-12 16:48:25 -0600 on November 12, 2018 at 04:48 PM (CST)
Nicole Bienfang responded to Video no longer exists with completed 2018-11-12 16:36:26 -0600 on November 12, 2018 at 04:36 PM (CST)
Video no longer exists
On How does this impact me page, under I know about non-violent communication or I watched this video, the video no longer exists
Nicole Bienfang responded to Feedback with considering 2018-11-10 17:06:40 -0600 on November 10, 2018 at 05:06 PM (CST)
This isn't really a suggestion, but feedback from a person I was having a conversation with on FB, "Veronica-Mae Soar Karen Fischbach I had a quick look at the site and it was rather too complicated and full of too much stuff. It needs to become much simpler and more user friendly. I know people have worked hard on TT website and have made it the best they have been able, under the past and present circumstances. So this isn't a criticism, but simply feedback. No official response from TT team is requested by me.
Nicole Bienfang responded to In anger how do you calm yourself down? with planned 2018-11-10 17:05:21 -0600 on November 10, 2018 at 05:05 PM (CST)
In anger how do you calm yourself down?
I own it. If it is a charge, i look for what angers me about the other that i see in myself . If it about injustice, broken agreements or boundary violations, i use my anger to step into clear assertive energy to address the situation. Anger is an E motion... a gateway to clean clear assertive behavior or in shadow "the Savage".
Nicole Bienfang responded to On Our Plan page, link to phase 1 building community not working with completed 2018-11-10 17:01:16 -0600 on November 10, 2018 at 05:01 PM (CST)
On Our Plan page, link to phase 1 building community not working
The page you were looking for was not found.
Nicole Bienfang tagged Donovan Guerra's I do not have new expectations, I'm keeping an open mind! with good 2018-11-04 15:17:32 -0600 on November 04, 2018 at 03:17 PM (CST)
I do not have new expectations, I'm keeping an open mind!
1. I feel like your organization can help navigate the many pitfalls that can plague starting a New Paradigm. To shift away from the old paradigm, reevaluating old belief systems, patterns, and changing them requires much work, more than what others expect. I hope this comprehensive process can show unique ways to ease the transition. 2. I plan to check/work daily, at the worst, weekly. 3. I'm confused with the question but I will answer this: I expect to give my all in my areas of expertise and providing as much as I can to help the Transition. I expect the Transition to help in areas that I have no knowledge or to provide unique connection, solutions, or examples of how to help achieve a more sustainable world. 4. I expect to be a team player for many years if it helps others see and act towards creating a better future. 5. I expect that most of projects started have to have grassroots beginnings where a few people share what that they can and see where the missing resources are to start small-scale projects that are profitable enough to expand the existing project or create another similarly profitable project. I do not know the funding system of the Transition but I would not ask for funding unless I had a plan that was well-developed by members of the Transition. 7. I expect this site to help both professionally and personally, whether it be connecting business connections towards creating sustainable businesses/projects, or leading to gurus/ceremonies, or healers that have solutions to emotional, physical, or spiritual problems. 8. Yes of course. 9. I am always altering my behaviors, mindset, and activities to align with the path of least harm but with the most amount postive transformation. I see the Transition aligned with this goal so yes. 10. I dunno, I expect a waiting time of around a week. 11. I do feel like it is reasonable, maybe slightly ambitious, but I'm easy-going so I keep my expectations pretty wide.
Nicole Bienfang responded to Smile Song for Jukebox with planned 2018-11-10 17:04:47 -0600 on November 10, 2018 at 05:04 PM (CST)
Smile Song for Jukebox
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vgAMSmFmTo Lyrics https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/vitaminc/smile.html
Nicole Bienfang commented on I want to learn English better. 2018-08-05 21:28:03 -0500 on August 05, 2018 at 09:28 PM (CDT)This tool should help with that https://www.thetransition.org/duolingo
Nicole Bienfang responded to It should be easy go edit my expectations. with completed 2018-08-05 21:23:43 -0500 on August 05, 2018 at 09:23 PM (CDT)
It should be easy go edit my expectations.
Official response from Nicole Bienfang completedIt is. To edit a page you have added content to, but want to change go to that page. On the top right of the vertical menu you will find "Edit this Suggestion". Click on it and it will take you to the page to edit your pre-existing submitted material.
Nicole Bienfang responded to Change of Mission with completed 2018-05-30 07:23:14 -0500 on May 30, 2018 at 07:23 AM (CDT)
Change of Mission
The Transition needs to change from a lofty headspace website to a practical "Hands on" organization.
we (the collective of "awakened") don't need another "teaching website" telling us what must be done, asking for pledges without making the first step themselves.
One huge issue thats stopping the "awakened" from acting is the chains of need.
We all need Food, Water, Clothes, Tools, Housing that without a safetynet, can only be acquired via money.
What "The Transition" needs to be is THE place to go for key resources.
The Transition needs to acquire local storage/depots to allow US the volunteer's space to acquire resources that form the safety net!
If we had free local storage we could set up resources banks, that's set up to be free to the point of need...
This isn't charity shops.. the resources won't be sold for money or shipped to far-flung locations away from the people that need them...
With local free storage. We can set up
Transition FOOD BANKS (Not Trussel trust food banks that are restricted by the government and means tested to prevent its use) but FOOD BANKS that serve the people.. we donate the food and the food is checked, washed and then is Free to the point of need for the public that needs it.
WATER BANKS (The Transition should approach land owners that have access to clean water sources, and use the water for free if (TT) supplies the storage and transport to the depots.
CLOTHES BANKS... again instead of donating clothes to a charity that sells the clothes, the clothes are checked and washed and then is available to the public for free.
TOOLS BANKS ... equipment is donated, checked, and refurbished/fixed and then is free to the point of need. (if people know that TOOLS are readily available .. they wouldn't need to store/own tools.. the tools can be donated once no longer needed)
HOUSING/Shelter .. abandoned property that's been left to ruin can be repaired and redecorated and then OCCUPIED by the transition for use...
For emergency housing, tents and shelters can be acquired on transition owned land.
The safety net should be the Transitions NUMBER ONE GOAL for the first 10 years.
Mr Damion Turner.
Official response from Nicole Bienfang completedEverything you have stated about the chain of needs, Food Banks Water Banks etc. is what we are hoping our BUDS will create within each area where there is a gathering of people that want to bring about the Transition to a resource based economy. Our site is here to help guide people to such groups and for those groups to advertise what they are doing. The Transition has the potential to be THE place to go for key resources if people came together and entered their information into our website. We have pages dedicated to finding people with certain skills (http://www.thetransition.org/member_skills), finding objects (http://www.thetransition.org/objects), spaces (http://www.thetransition.org/spaces) or even just other contributors (http://www.thetransition.org/find_nearby_contributors) that might be in your area.
Nicole Bienfang responded to new platform with completed 2018-05-30 07:20:36 -0500 on May 30, 2018 at 07:20 AM (CDT)
new platform
For some reasons, I find it not so easy to navigate through the page.
My friend Tom just connected with the ASC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Poju5KXWvY8Official response from Nicole Bienfang completedThe only page you really need is this one https://www.thetransition.org/your_action_plan it will then lead you to others as you need them.
YOUR Solution Specialist - [email protected]
When booking a time, please do so 48 hours in advance of your desired day and time. Day of appointments will not be honored as the day's schedule has already been put in motion. Thank you for your understanding.
I support The Transition because: the current state of things is not sustainable and we have to start building a better future NOW!
I am happiest when I'm: in the moment.
People see me as: a person without judgement.
I want to help because: our world is in need of some major healing.
My philosophy on life is: we are all far greater than we give ourselves credit for.
Intentional Community Preference: Income Sharing, Egalitarian
My Personal Reading List (All the books I am currently reading right now)
My Wish List (Want to send me a THANK YOU gift? This is my wish list!)
Personality Test Results:
The 5 Love Languages:
- 7 Words of Affirmation
- 6 Acts of Service
- 6 Physical Touch
- 6 Receiving Gifts
- 5 Quality Time
The 5 Languages of Apology/ When Sorry Isn't Enough:
- 6 Expressing Regret
- 5 Accept Responsibility
- 5 Genuinely Repent
- 4 Make Resitituition
- 0 Request Forgiveness
Strengths Finder 2.0 (Top 5 Results):
- Connectedness
- Ideation
- Individualization
- Input
- Intellection
How The World Sees You Result:
- The Veiled Strength