Millie Holliday's Expectations

1. The Transition will help me address homelessness and economic issues in Johnson City, TN in sustainable ways

2. I intend to engage on the site daily

3. I expect to do the bulk of the work to get my projects off the ground

4. I plan to be heavily invested in the transition for years to come

5. By raising funds along with the organizations I'm trying to improve

6. My professional goals are my personal goals. I want to nurture my personal development by nurturing my community's development.

7. I am willing to contribute to the give and take of this online community of movers.

8. I am willing to promote the site to fellow movers and shakers because it's the tool that I think my community needs to get our projects out of the idea stage.

9. I expect this site to accelerate my career

10. I think it's going to be a little slow at first but then it will steadily speed up

11. I feel like all of my expectations are reasonable because I am not going to set myself up for failure

12. I want to improve my community by acting as a quasi consultancy to work with local non-profits, businesses, and homeless agencies in the city to achieve their goals and accomplish projects in my interests (reducing homelessness and improving homeless prevention efforts).

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  • Ashley Mumpower
    I look forward to spending time working together, Millie!
  • Ashley Mumpower
  • Nicole Bienfang
  • Nicole Bienfang
  • Nicole Bienfang