Zeitgeist Hii published Zeitgeist Malaysia's Expectations in Site Expectations 2021-04-15 02:53:27 -0500 on April 15, 2021 at 02:53 AM (CDT)
Zeitgeist Malaysia's Expectations
1.) What problems do you feel we will help you solve or resolve? been a tzm member for more than 10 years, my idea of transitioning to rbe/moneyless society would be sharing a property space, looking for activist to move to my rent-free accommodation just a one small property wont change anything, needed activist to demostrate this project, and help me fund raise/collect donation so i can buy another property continue to buy enough property, keep snowballing until occupy whole building or entire forest city, at this time activist no longer need money to buy their own shelter, all activist can live rent free activist able to demonstrate this transition project to public, this is better than capitalism. can thetransition.org help me achieve this? 2.) How active do you intend to be with the site (Daily, Weekly, Monthly)? weekly 3.) Do you expect to do the bulk of the work to get your project off the ground, or do you feel that's the role you want our Transition Team to play?what_do_you_expect.jpg i am the property owner, already running this sharing property space project, which is known as zeitgeist commune housing. now im just looking for activist to stay there 4.) Do you plan to be very invested in our organization and stay with us for a long time (maybe even years) or are you registered on the site just to see what it's about? im not sure about your organization, as long as it is aligned with what tzm/tvp is proposing, i have no problem give the property access to activist for next 10-20 years 5.) How do you expect our organization to fund projects (like yours) in order to launch them? at this moment, not looking for fund raise nor donation yet, until someone had settled down in the commune housing first. 6.) Do you feel our site is meant to help you solely with professional matters or personal ones too? yes, im looking for like minded activist who wants to change 7.) Are you willing to contribute and give to others registered on the site as well as receive and take their offerings? i have not encounter what people are trying to give me, but so far i know this site is about making sure all activist are on the same page, therefore something will hold us together and able to do a collective effort in project. but at the moment, not receiving, im offering rent free property access to activist instead 8.) Are you willing to help with promoting the site as long as you feel it is in alignment with your personal values? yes, i want zeitgeist commune housing project listed in thetransition.org as part of the collective effort for activist looking to transition towards rbe/moneyless society 9.) Do you expect your use of this site to be "life altering" in any way? Not yet 10.) With the knowledge that we are run by a small and 100% volunteer run team, how fast do you feel our turn around time will be for any things entered into the Suggestion Box or sent to us via the Contact Us pages? its fast enough for me 11.) Do you feel all of the above expectations you have provided are reasonable? Yes reasonable, im ok if youre sharing any valueable lesson for activist, but at the end, hope it is not something i need to pay to use thetransition.org website thou 12.) Feel free to write any additional expectations that were not prompted at the close of your answers to the questions above. you should ask people what theyve done to promote the rbe/moneyless society - ive been to meeting although its only with 1 guy and talked about rbe/tzm/tvp idea - i print out leaflets and distribute to public to let them know about tzm, i did this all alone - give zeitgeist addendum dvd to a friend and ask them to watch but all these was 5-7 years ago, dont remember exactly
Hi, Nicole BienFang asked me to come to this website, to publish our project, but im new here and seems lots of information for me need to digest
im the admin for The Zeitgeist Movement Malaysia chapter, official facebook group www.facebook.com/groups/thezeitgeistmovementmalaysia/
main point of contact me is using facebook https://www.facebook.com/zeitgeistmalaysia/
i have been following tzm/tvp/rbe for around 10 years or more, now our zeitgeist malaysia chapter will start a commune housing project. theres no debt on the apartment and it is fully paid off, it will be available free to use for all tzm members, both international and local accepted
Located at Forest City, Johor, Malaysia (Future Cities)
Main feature of the city, multi layered city system, vehicle are moving underground
high-tech, green & smart feature
the reason why Zeitgeist malaysia wanted to do this commune housing project, short summary as below
Everyday millions of people wake up and enslaved by the system
Capitalism and exploitation will remain
Transition project towards post scarcity model
Facility is giving members/resident a space/meeting to focus on relevant project/real world solutions
Commune housing itself is also a project modifying violent structure of capitalism (on permanent basis) to a more civilized version
I have been following TZM for more than 10-15 years, im not gonna wait for others to take action
Its hard to change by fight existing eco-social norm, we have to make it obsolete by inventing new norm/new structure
Moving from primitive (self-based capitalism) to a more civilized/advanced & sharing society
The new human rights movementContact Us!
If none of the below items apply to you just fill out the information in the fields below.
- Have questions about our website, organization or other things related to The Transition? Check out our FAQ section of our website.
- Want to give us a Progress Report on one of the Events you've put on? Give us the details in our Report Portal.
- Would you like to ask us for funding for your project? Please fill out this form with your request!
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- Would you like to submit a music video for our Jukebox? Please be sure to provide the link to the video as well as a link to the lyrics for the song when submitting in the box below.
- Would you like to host a movie screening in your local area? Please submit it on our Events page.
- Do you love to research advancements and new technology? Send us the links of your discoveries so we can share them with others.
- Got an internet meme you can't resist sharing? Send us the link and we might add it to our favorite internet memes portal!
All Others:
- Want to learn more about The Transition before you get involved? Browse our Transition FAQ for more info!
- Do you have a business that would appeal to our members, that has 500 employees or more? Go here to find out how you can be a featured business.
For the following categories:
- Did you find some typos, broken links or videos that don't work?
- Do you have a project idea you think we should work on?
- Did you find an awesome tool that you want to share that would help make collaboration even easier?
- Do you think our Standards are missing something?
Please submit to our Suggestion Box.
TZM Malaysia Chapter - [email protected]
TZM Malaysia Chapter is offering a possible better lives, permanently free shelter/accommodation is available now. main feature of the city, multi layered city system, vehicle are moving underground, high-tech & smart feature. https://www.forestcitycgpv.com/about-forest-city/green-smart https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DSfs5GfoWI5rwRncIWGVMWqBjcRUupMG/view?usp=sharing for more info how to move to this city, join our facebook group www.facebook.com/groups/thezeitgeistmovementmalaysia/
I have been following tzm/tvp/rbe for more than 10 years, we are starting a commune housing project
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