Raymond Powell donated via Nicole Bienfang 2022-06-03 07:38:48 -0500 on June 03, 2022 at 07:38 AM (CDT)
Contribute Monthly
You know that for a moneyless world tomorrow we have to chip in today to make it happen. Your small contribution helps maintain the site as well as fund co-op projects and expansion all over the world. Your $5.00 Contributorship dues are vital to sustaining The Transition and expanding its activities in The Transition Inter- Community Network. With a click of the button your Contributorship instantly goes to:
- Technology: Servers, bandwidth, maintenance, development & other operating expenses.
- Subsidize free events:special programming ranging from movie screenings to potlucks.
- People and Projects: The top websites on the internet have thousands of employees. We have a small team to support a wide variety of projects, making your Contributorship and additional donations a great investment in a highly-efficient organization.
We can only accomplish our goals because of Contributors like YOU!
Raymond Powell - [email protected]
Spiritual revolutionary, Professional Geek, Indecorous Iconoclast. Doing the right thing is not a means to an end. It is an end in itself.
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