Many people have a firm grasp about what they DON't want in their personal lives, and what they DON'T like going on in the world; but they often struggle with knowing what they DO want or if they do, they don't know how to get "there". In frustration they might make a post like the one Mike Wilson made on his Facebook personal profile:
One of our Supporters Jordan Conley saw the post and responded to it:
As you can see Mike was very receptive with what Jordan had to share asking for more information. He's rather new to The Transition so he tagged me in the conversation to help give Mike what he asked for. I then shared with him the Sustainable Living Podcast interview because it acts as a good overview about our org and answers most people's questions that we at The Transition hear repeatedly. I then also encourage Jordan to sign up because he had confessed in his comment he had not done so himself and stressed that ACTION is more important than time or perfection.
Seeing how I responded to his tag and the information I provided Jordan then decided to piggyback off of my comment and tag a few more of his friends so he could invite them to listen to the podcast as well.
The guys then joked and talked about health and other personal matters for a few comments and then Jordan gave this update on 3/1/18 (the day after the thread was started) as a comment on the thread! Matt Lawson Likes the comment and I Love it.
Loving how this conversation was going and knowing that it would be a great example of how to Spread the Word I asked all parties involved for their consent to use this thread on The Transition website including Mike Wilson the guy who made the original post. Then Jordan encourages Matt to join as well to which Matt and I both like the comment.
Matt has a minor objection stating he doesn't feel educated enough to join I let him know that he is exactly who The Transition is looking for to join the site. He likes me response. I also take this time to remind Jordan to use his referral link to earn Buzz Bucks and give him resource links to make sure he knows and understands the terms I use since he is a new Supporter. Which is also a passive way in letting everyone on the thread, following this conversation know, about the expectations we have for people using the site as well as the ways we reward people who are active on it.
According to The Transition website Mike has at this point signed up and in my friend request notifications on Facebook Matt has sent me a friend invite. He might want to get to know me more as a person before he signs up too which is totally ok, the seeds have been planted! :)
A little bit later that evening Matt Lawson signed up for the website too!
Jordan admitted to not signing up himself for the website yet, on the thread. It's usually not a good idea to encourage someone to do something you have not done or are unwilling to do yourself first. Set a good example so that you can later act as a lighthouse and guide the way for others to do the same. Jordan remedied the situation by then signing up and informing everyone on the thread he had with a whole lot of enthusiasm which got others excited as well.
The more The Transition grows and the more our Supporters and Contributors are connected on social media the easier it will get for each one of us to promote and help our organization grow even bigger. When multiple people Like Love and Share posts like this the more social clout the organization gets as a whole. That's why it is very important we support each other on social media and acknowledge each others advocacy for the cause and the organization as a whole. The more The Transition grows there easier it will be to find qualified and trained individuals to join your individual projects!
If not then leave us a suggestion on how it can be improved