Philip Andre Albin's Expectations

1. What problems do you feel we will help you solve or resolve? I have been working mostly by myself on a project which I care about very much and which I am continuing to develop. I'm hoping to learn from TT how to get my project to be long-term sustainable and how to share it with other people. 2. How active do you intend to be with the site (Daily, Weekly, Monthly)? Daily! 3. Do you expect to do the bulk of the work to get your project off the ground, or do you feel that's the role you want our Transition Team to play? I will do what's needed if I am capable of doing it. The roles I am hoping will be played by TT in my project are more about education and networking. 4. Do you plan to be very invested in our organization and stay with us for a long time (maybe even years) or are you registered on the site just to see what it's about? I can see myself staying involved with TT for a long time. 5. How do you expect our organization to fund projects (like yours) in order to launch them? I don't know. 6. Do you feel our site is meant to help you solely with professional matters or personal ones too? Every aspect of life is connected to every other aspect, I believe. I feel this site will help with my overall development as a being. 7. Are you willing to contribute and give to others registered on the site as well as receive and take their offerings? Yeah sure, I can give as well as receive. I am quite infatuated with my own project that I’m working on, but I know that I can’t exclusively focus on it all day every day forever. Even though I really love it, I need to do other things too. I think I could find it a lot of fun to help others with their projects. I would learn about and gain experience with important things that I wouldn’t necessarily have pursued on my own and have a more balanced life that way. I would want to keep my own project as my highest priority, though. 8. Are you willing to help with promoting the site as long as you feel it is in alignment with your personal values? Perhaps! 9. Do you expect your use of this site to be "life altering" in any way? Yes. This is not the first account I've made on this website. I went partway through the action plan years ago, and I felt transformed by doing so at that time. Being back now, I fully expect to evolve from it even more. 10. With the knowledge that we are run by a small and 100% volunteer run team, how fast do you feel our turn around time will be for any things entered into the Suggestion Box or sent to us via the Contact Us pages? I don't really know. I’m sure it depends on a lot of different factors in the lives of the people who are on the receiving end of those portals and will vary to some degree. 11. Do you feel all of the above expectations you have provided are reasonable? I don't know, I hope so!

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