Flinch's Expectations of The Transition

1. Learning more about other ICs and living in ICs and visiting other ICs 2. I may not be very active, don't know yet. 3. I don't have a specific project, I am more exploring The Transition to learn more. 4. It's too soon to tell how long I'll be active, I am just exploring right now. 5. I have heard that The Transition does fundraisers such as crowdsourcing and is also in communication with ICs about funds. 6. From what I have learned so far it seems to be offering help with personal as well as professional matters. 7. I enjoy cooperation and reciprocation. If I were interested in and committed to doing more I would certainly consider what I had to give to others. 8. I don't have any skill or experience in promoting, so I would likely be unable to help with outreach. 9. I don't have expectations about this yet. I feel it's too soon to tell if my life will be changed by this. 10. Not sure yet what kind of turnaround time to expect from Suggestions Box, but I don't expect this to be an issue in any way. 11. I feel all of the above expectations i have provided are reasonable.

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