When someone is Talking About "-isms" to What Are They Referring?


Many Contributors and Supporters of The Transition are committed to working against the oppressive structures of our society such as sexism, classism, racism, and adultism (the unnecessary and oppressive wielding of power over children by adults). In order to do that work effectively we have to examine our own attitudes and the ways power is used in our lives. Discussions develop regarding these "-isms" often while in dialogue talking about major barriers that hinder us from reaching the social change we are all seeking. Questions are asked like "Are men assuming power over women, adults over children, middle and upper class people over people from working class backgrounds?" BUDs provide a place to identify the specific mechanisms of oppression in intimate detail and then work together to eliminate them. Once we understand how power works in our own lives we can discover ways to change the same mechanisms as they operate in the larger society.To create a just, humane, and democratic society effectively we must eradicate any evidence of sexism, classism, racism, ageism, or any other in-grained in-humanism we find in OURSELVES and others. Working for social change means systematically dismantling these interlocking systems of oppression.



Sources: Building Social Change Communities

Contributors: Peter Woodrow, Susanne Terry, The Training/Action Affinity Group of Movement for a New Society

Recommended Books:  Building Social Change Communities