Always try to assume good will. Assume every statement and action is sincerely intended to benefit the group. Assume that each member understands the group's purpose and accepts the Agenda as contract.
Often, when we project our feelings and expectations onto others, we influence their actions. If we treat others as though they are trying to get attention, disrupt Meetings, or pick fights, they will often fulfill our expectations. A resolution to conflict is more likely to occur if we act as though there will be one. This is especially true is someone is intentionally trying to cause trouble or who is emotionally acting out in a disruptive pattern. Do not attack the person, but rather, assume good will and ask the person to explain to the group how that person's statements or actions are in the best interest of the group. It is also helpful to remember to separate the actor from the action. While the behavior may be unacceptable, the person is not. Avoid accusing the person of being the way they behave. Remember, no one has the answer. The group's work is the search for the best most creative process, one that fosters a mutually satisfying resolution to any concern that may arise.
Source: On Conflict & Consensus
Contributors: Amy Rothstein, C.T. Butler
Recommended Books: On Conflict on Consensus
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