Clubb, MO endorsed 2023-04-20 08:53:29 -0500 on April 20, 2023 at 08:53 AM (CDT)
BUD Commitments to The Transition
After reading this, please endorse below as a member of your BUD
Since there are Standards, expectations, and responsibilities that are established for those that participate in The Transition we must be certain about the quality of our new BUD groups that are joining us. If you do not understand any part of this page, please contact your Point Person for more details before endorsing.
Intent: Our BUD commits to taking positive action towards enhancing and protecting all life and our environment for future generations.
Purpose: Our purpose is to construct real solutions by completing Missions given by The Transition as well as Contributing , support, space, and resources to fellow BUDs and Contributors within The Transition Inter-Community Network. We are committed to building community projects that promote organic farming, alternative transportation, clean drinking water, renewable energy, green building, and using music and the arts to convey the message.
We commit to take part in collaborative volunteerism, education, programs and media events. As well as assist others to enhance their food and housing security, learn life skills, and build confidence to make the transition to a more sustainable lifestyle - leading to a Global Egalitarian System for the good of all.
We strive to create an inclusive community where all members have the skills, confidence, and support to live a healthy life. It is our pledge to each other and to the world we are creating, to help each other live life to the fullest.
Our method of collaboration within our Transition Inter-Community Network is based on scientific benchmarks to meet everyone's’ needs - instead of what’s most profitable - therefore exchange between Contributors requires no monetary attachment.
- Information
- Designs
- Procedures
- Documentaries & Films
- How-tos and demonstrations
- Events and media programs
- BUD Weekly meetings.
- Formal Consensus as described in On Conflict & Consensus, & Consensus for Cities; democratic process
- Self assignment of tasks during scheduled meetings.
- Scientific Method (Plan, Do, Study, Act)
- If a problem is brought to light, a possible solution is then brought to the table, or an adjustment to a pre-existing process or structure is suggested.
- Every member belonging to YOUR BUD.
Responsibilities of Trustees:
- Be a beacon of example; commit to work both individually and collectively to rid themselves of internalized racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, ageism as well as other -isms
- Be of service to fellow Contributors
- Adhere to BUD Commitments
- Strive for inclusivity within their own BUD(s)
- Participate fully with The Transition Inter-Community Network; this includes taking part in network decisions via Transitional Consensus decision-making at network meetings, communicating with the rest of the network, readiness to offer and receive constructive criticism, and commitment to provide mutual aide and respond to Crunch! when able
- Have general acceptance of the Mission & Vision which The Transition has evolved thus far; commitment to nonviolent evolutionary strategy
- Provide outreach to other intentional communities, co-ops, organizations, and other similar movements; act as Phase Mentors for those that are not as far along the Your Action Plan
- Commit to asking for help when needed; The Transition Team, a Phase Mentor, Your personal Point Person etc.
- Align values and behaviors with The Transition Benchmarks
- Do continual personal education; involvement in continued study and learning-through-action to further develop working knowledge shared among The Transition Contributors
- Develop systems and procedures and regularly share results and update The Transition Inter-Community Network
- Provide update content and material for projects that were funded by The Transition Inter-Community Network
- Maintain Communal mindset towards Egalitarian lifestyle
- Actively work towards bringing about a new society with the understanding of how the BUD's work contributes to the long-term evolutionary strategy that is consistent with the working knowledge shared among existing BUDs
- Strive with the rest of the Transition Inter-Community Network in making personal lives and political beliefs consistent
Grantors: Nicole Bienfang
Beneficiaries: The Transition & Fellow Contributors within The Transition Inter-Community Network
I hereby agree to the following statement:
I will participate in the positive, inclusive decision making structure of The Transition and abide by the decisions made in my Contributorship to The Transition. I bring my integrity and commitment to the ideals of trust, respect, self-empowerment, cooperation, equal access to power, and non-violence. I am committed to the vision of diverse membership of The Transition and the site is considered a “Safe Zone. I hereby agree to treat everyone equal of value with differing gifts and Contribute for the good of all. I will attempt to minimize barriers to Contributors of any groups wishing to participate.
(Please endorse below if you agree to abide by these commitments and you have made this decision as a BUD. Use of this site is considered an implied agreement to these commitments t even if your name is absent from the “signatures” below.).
Ivy Bickl tagged Robert Shields' No expectations, only love by Robert Shields with inspiring 2023-03-30 10:08:16 -0500 on March 30, 2023 at 10:08 AM (CDT)
No expectations, only love by Robert Shields
As an individual and a professional I advocate for the Transition Town model as a tool for self- organizing communities to learn by sharing their own transition plans. The end game is to mainstream the idea of self reliant communities of all size that use food, energy, and zero waste as the key element to creating and sustaining local living economies designed to preserve our greatest natural resource, the diversity of culture and language that is our greatest collective natural resource. In the wilds of Alaska, I have planted the seeds and created the foundation to build an academy to teach these skills to the over 227 rural community leaders on how aerospace is the environmental solution that will allow regular innovation to replace extraction of minerals as the economic base for the state. The Transition Town framework is the third of five steps that are intended to build a bridge for people to move from the carbon to the hydrogen economy in the span of the next decade to put our efforts on pace with rate of change. To become all that we are meant to be as a civilization all we have to do is to accept we are caterpillars and use this time to focus on our highest individual expression and become the butterflies. A species of stewards that live with this planet and not just on her. A transition to a world where environmental economics is how we profit for generations. This efforts is called The Butterfly Initiative and you can follow along on Facebook @tbiglobal
Ivy Bickl commented on Report Portal 2021-02-19 21:31:40 -0600 on February 19, 2021 at 09:31 PM (CST)Worked on recruiting wix site tech help to help organize old and new site since switching to WIX Crm from bitrix. We have signed up 3 additional properties and ghosttowns to join our WE Network. Still trying to organize the challenges on site to get incoming recruits to them and then to start their action plan. and also sent to state and trade groups The villages are being listed as blogs. https://wanderersend.org
Report Portal
Thanks for helping make a difference in your community.
How did you help out The Transition, on a grassroots level, in your community?
- Volunteered at a local event
- Helped friends and family get involved
- Shared your story
- Wrote a letter to a local paper
- Shared a story on Twitter or Facebook
- Helping the Transition Team to work on the website
- Something else?
Be sure to include how many hours of your time you contributed as well!Take a few minutes to tell us which activities you took part in, and let us know how it went.
Submit Progress
Can you help us keep the lights on?
Why do we need your financial support? Services we offer like Your Action Plan are FREE for you, but not for us. Maintaining and improving our website not only costs a lot of time, but money as well. For example, there are hardware and software costs, telecommunication costs and more. This project is not backed by a company, so there is no fixed funding and every minute we spend on it is taken from our spare time. We rely on the goodwill and generosity of people like you to continue our work until our goal of a Global Egalitarian System is a reality. Your Contributions ensures that we remain fiercely independent and able to act in the best interest of humanity. It isn't free, or even cheap, to run The Transition, and the future is a long way away (depending on how active you and others like you are in getting involved and squashing your fears).
Your landlord probably won't barter for rent. We have cash expenses too.
The Transition runs on generosity, mutual respect, and collaborative efforts.
Can you help with a contribution of $5, $10, or $20?
A little goes a long way.
$5= a month of server time
$20=1 domain for a year
$50= Nationbuilder software for 1 month
$60= One Year of Leadership Training
Of course, you can donate any amount you regard appropriate. We hope you get an idea of some of the things we have to pay for in order to maintain this website and our organization, for you.
So to make sure we can keep this all up and running, we would really appreciate your support!
With your support, we will work to prevent homelessness, poverty and incite an energy revolution; to protect and preserve our planet; to keep genetically engineered ingredients out of your food by teaching you how to plant and grow your own. We plan to create a peaceful and nuclear-free future.
Did you know: You can help donate funds without spending anything extra? Yup, Amazon pays us a little commission of whatever you buy, whether it be a product recommended here or anything else, if you follow this Amazon link. This helps us pay for servers and other necessary expenses to keep us running. Help Us -- Buy at Amazon. Bookmark our Amazon reference link to drop us a little commission every time you buy from them.
Donate today!
Our site exists so that creative solution oriented people (like yourself) can help each other produce results for their grassroots efforts that make global impact . More work gets done in networks of shared respect and shared resources than in competitive isolation. By honoring agreements and working hard, Contributors of The Transition Inter-Community Network will build lasting ties in a community of enormous potential.
With your help we can create a brighter tomorrow we can all be proud of!
Ivy Bickl endorsed 2018-11-19 10:02:41 -0600 on November 19, 2018 at 10:02 AM (CST)
Our Trust
After reading this, please endorse below as The Transition sees YOU as one of our many beneficiaries.
Intent: We unite and empower people to take positive action towards enhancing and protecting all life and our environment for future generations.
Purpose: Our purpose is to construct real solutions by providing the support, space, and resources for the common heritage of the Earth's resources and to do so via our collective knowledge. We are committed to building community projects that promote organic farming, alternative transportation, clean drinking water, renewable energy, green building, and using music and the arts to convey the message.
With a special focus on street-involved youth and families living in poverty, we encourage community involvement through collaborative volunteerism, education, programs and media events. We help others enhance their food and housing security, learn life skills, and build confidence to make the transition to a more sustainable lifestyle - leading to a Global Egalitarian System for the good of all.
We strive to create an inclusive community where all members have the skills, confidence, and support to live a healthy life. It is our pledge to each other and to the world we are creating, to help each other live life to the fullest.
Our method of collaboration within our Transition Inter-Community Network is based on scientific benchmarks to meet everyone's’ needs - instead of what’s most profitable - therefore exchange between members requires no monetary attachment.
- Information
- Benchmarks
- Designs
- Procedures
- Documentaries & Films
- Funding for expansion
- Intentional Communities
- Co-ops
- Community of like-minded members
- How-tos and demonstrations
- Events and media programs
- Contributor Business Promotion
- Branding
- BUD Weekly meetings.
- Formal Consensus as described in On Conflict & Consensus, & Consensus for Cities.
- Self assignment of tasks during scheduled meetings.
- Scientific Method (Plan, Do, Study, Act)
- If a problem is brought to light, a possible solution is then brought to the table, or an adjustment to a pre-existing process or structure is suggested.
- We use the wisdom of the crowd via polls, 1 on 1 anecdotal interviews pooled together and reviewed for trends, as well as various types of crowdsourcing.
Responsibilities of Trustees:
- Be a beacon of example
- To serve the Contributors
- Adhere to Team Commitments
- Maintain website
- Be a source of support for fellow members
- Provide outreach to other intentional communities, co-ops, organizations, and other similar movements.
- Align values and behaviors with The Transition Benchmarks
- Do continual personal education
- Develop systems and procedures
- Maintain Communal mindset towards Egalitarian lifestyle
- Understand that all work created for and done on behalf of The Transition remain with The Transition, even if one leaves the BUD and is no longer able to fulfill the role or obligations of a Trustee.
Grantors: Mike Upstone & Nicole Bienfang
Beneficiaries: I hereby agree to the following statement:
I will participate in the positive, inclusive decision-making structure of The Transition and abide by the decisions made in my Contributorship to The Transition. I bring my integrity and commitment to the ideals of trust, respect, self-empowerment, cooperation, equal access to power, and non-violence. I am committed to the vision of diverse membership of The Transition and the site is considered a “Safe Zone". I hereby agree to treat everyone equal of value with differing gifts and Contribute for the good of all. I will attempt to minimize barriers to Contributors of any groups wishing to participate.
(Please endorse below if you agree to abide by this Trust and all statements made herein. Use of this site is considered an implied agreement to this Trust even if your name is absent from the “signatures” below.)
Ivy Bickl posted about How Resilient Are You? on Facebook 2016-12-05 15:46:20 -0600 on December 05, 2016 at 03:46 PM (CST)Take the survey: How Resilient Are You?
Clubb, MO endorsed 2016-11-22 06:53:15 -0600 on November 22, 2016 at 06:53 AM (CST)We believe that all of humankind are the Earth’s stewards.
We believe that the phenomena of Nature, both physical and spiritual, are the expression of Infinite Intelligence.
We affirm that a correct understanding of such expression and living in accordance therewith constitute true religion.
We affirm that we accept responsibilities for humankind’s action and strive to continually right any wrongs.
We believe that the highest morality is contained in the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”
We affirm the moral responsibility of individuals, and that we make our own happiness or unhappiness as we obey or disobey Nature’s physical and spiritual laws.
WE always strive to make the right informed decisions.
We affirm that the Pathway to a healthy Earth and healthy humankind is obtainable thru learning and teaching non-conformation to corporate decisions that are not based on the welfare of our Earth and humankind.Endorsements
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not."
~ Dr. Seuss
WE research alternative ways to achieve sustainability while also providing off grid, Eco homes and jobs to low income families! - [email protected]
I support The Transition because: Most people do not use their natural talents or skills doing what they are passionate about, which means that others do not benefit from their true talents either. There is another rat race free way
I am happiest when I'm: contributing my natural talents or acquired skills for the greater benefit of all in their community.
People see me as: passionate about waking others
I want to help because: there is no other option for me.
My philosophy on life is:
MY goal is to research natural lifestyles, not to exclude internet or technology, but to make a life where I can be guilt free of hurting the future for our children and also to ensure my families safety from our now toxic world of chemicals. I want to show everyone that by utilizing research of logical methods for sustainable living, we are establishing a healthier relationship for living with the earth & our communities.
Ivy Bickl
GaianReligious views
Global Egalitarian System A global system established through egalitarianism based on the core value of justice for everyone not just a select few.Political views
Men and WomenInterested in