Transition Team Membership Levels:

Member- A member is someone who follows all team commitments, attends all meetings, is actively working on a project within The Transition, has agreed to Our Trust and adheres to the responsibilities of a Trustee therein.


Consultant - A consultant is someone who assists The Transition team, may attend some meetings to elaborate or help the team with their skill set, and may or may not contribute monetarily to The Transition funds.


Contributor- A contributor is someone who was once a supporter, but wants to become more proactive and is assisting with a monthly contribution to be used as pooled funds to help The Transition grow and create and implement programs. They may or may not be a member of the Transition Team.

All contributors should be actively following and participating in the Our Plan.

Supporter - A supporter is someone who supports The Transition’s Mission, but is not taking an active role. They may use free resources off the website (, but do not have a paid Contributorship. They do not actually belong to the Transition Team and only support the work that the organization does in general.

Membership Level Chart:

The left side is the person’s current membership level, the top is the person’s membership level they are being moved to. The box states the possible reasons for moving between membership levels. The red boxes indicate that the person may hold those membership levels in tandem with other levels such as someone who is a contributor and consultant, but not a member.








Signs up to contribute on our website

Signs up as a volunteer to lend expertise

Reaches out for membership & goes through membership process & is approved via Formal Consensus


Ceases to continue monthly contributions.

After 30 days NationBuilder moves the user back to supporter


Sign up as volunteer, but is unable to make the meetings or otherwise fulfill the Team Commitments

Reaches out for membership & goes through membership process & is approved via Formal Consensus


After 30 days of non-communication between the Consultant and The Transition

Signs up to contribute on our website, but removes themselves from actively volunteering


Reaches out for membership & goes through membership process & is approved via Formal Consensus


Ceases to continue Monthly contributions.

30 days of non-communication.

Membership revoked due to not fulfilling the Team Commitments.

Removed themselves from actively volunteering.


Membership revoked due to not fulfilling the Team Commitments.

Ceases to continue monthly contributions

After 30 days NationBuilder moves the user back to supporter

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