Take Action
"Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is merely daydreaming, but vision with action can change the world."
~ Nelson Mandela
People often ask us "What Can I Do?"
To achieve our mission, we believe in combining online and offline activism.
Of course, there are many ways to effect change in the world: political campaigns or lobbying, direct action protests and rallies, consciousness raising groups, etc. We see the need in our world to work primarily outside the system to define and demonstrate new cultures, sometimes radically different from the mainstream. Below is a list of various suggested activities our supporters have put together that they find to be most effective. You can do these on your own time to learn more about The Transition and help promote it to spread awareness!
We welcome your suggestions (via our Suggestion Box) to improve this list so we can be an example of positive, intentional social change!
Start completing the steps outlined in Your Action Plan
Things you can do:
Print and Distribute
- The official The Transition Brochure. (Under Development- We are looking for a Graphic Designer)
- A Vindication of Human Dignity Brochure
- 6 Principles of Non-Violence Flyer
- Our official informational flyers during other cultural and social fairs in your area. ( Under Development- We are looking for a Graphic Designer)
- Our official posters in schools, colleges, and universities. We've discovered bathroom/lavatory stalls are one of the most effective places you can put them in these types of venues. (Under Development- We are looking for a Graphic Designer)
-Asking people in your community to sign up for our e-mail (on our Home page) list to show their support for the work we are doing is one of the best and easiest ways to raise awareness locally, and to bring more voices to our cause. It's easy to get started, too—you can work as a group with friends and neighbors, or you can take action on your own. Below are a few tips and tricks for successfully asking others to get involved.
- Make an “I'm Part of The Transition!” Video like this one and send directly to us via our Contact Form.
- Distribute copies of the DVD versions of the films found in our Movie Vault. They are great as gifts, rewards or take-aways at large fairs, festivals, and events.
Get Social
You can help us grow our network of people willing to take action for the environment. Tweet, blog, and feature our content on Facebook and other social network platforms.
- Join our Facebook Community and Help Spread the Word (Looking for Facebook Page Manager)
- Any time you see a fellow Transition Supporter or Contributor sharing content about The Transition on their Facebook profile give it a Love so others see they are not alone. It also inspires the person who shared that content to share more!
- Share viral images from our Meme Portal on your Facebook, Pinterest, and other social networks to raise awareness of what we are doing.
- Research new technologies and share your discoveries with the Tech Research / Facebook Teams via our Contact Us page.
- List yourself as a Supporter/Contributor/Volunteer/Seed/ BUD Team Member/Translator on your Facebook personal profile. Be sure NOT to imply or state that you work for The Transition.
- Share the videos we call The Basics on your profile.
- Change your Political Views to Global Egalitarian System.
- Change your cover image to one of The Transition designs.
- Share content off our Facebook page by following the guidelines given in the “Long Description” section.
- Follow us on Twitter (Looking for Twitter Manager)
- Subscribe to our Youtube channel and share our videos (Looking for YouTube Channel Manager)
- Share memes from our Meme Portal.
Once you have reached Phase II and are properly educated about what The Transition is about you can volunteer and take a more active role in all the positive things our organization is doing.
- Since we are a young organization we need lots of help with getting more people involved. You can help us by using your referral link found on the Spread the Word page.
- Review the roles for Volunteering and see if there are any roles you can fulfill.
- Register your Skills so we know who to turn to when someone needs help with something you specialize in.
- Once you are a Contributor you can learn more about the specific needs of others in The Transition Inter-Community Network and help them out by contacting them about their Classified ads.
Build Support
Get Trained
How Are You Helping?
Sources: Metta Center: What is a Road-map, A Vindication of Human Dignity Brochure, Pixabay
Contributors: geralt, Metta Center, Tumisu
Recommended Reading: Metta Center: What is a Road-map, A Vindication of Human Dignity Brochure
You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
― Richard Buckminster FullerWe serve social change makers and provide them with support, space and resources they need to succeed in the work they do through an Action Plan, personal development, training, and an online and offline mutual aid network.
The Transition is an online & offline social change community focused on starting on a local scale, but acting with
the intention of global change to bridge the gap between our present times and a Global Egalitarian System. Some examples of similar holistic concepts or ideas that might be more familiar to you are:
- Economic Singularity
- Resource Based Economy (RBE)
- Gifting Economy
- Ubuntu Contributionism
We believe it is good to come together for the purpose of co-creating. We are here to help you create relationships, possibility and abundance for yourself and others in service of humanity and a sustainable resilient future for everyone. The world does not need another organization to bring people together to talk about problems, but ways to implement concrete practices to solve them. Together we are creating a database and worldwide movement based on a set of practical values to give people a better understanding of the interconnection and impact we have with one another as well as our environment. We are a social change mutual-aid network of conscious individuals willing to not only change the world, but change themselves to create a brighter future for everyone! We believe that we can make the transition to a more sustainable and resilient world by amplifying the power of each positive social change project, widening its territory, and refusing to leave the future up to chance. We hope that you will join us.
If this sounds like you
Join The Transition NOW!
Help us create the world's largest database of assets and resources owned and cultivated by social change makers from all over the world. When you join The Transition and become active and engaged with our online and offline community those are made available to you as well, by taking part in our global family.
We know that when you can connect and share assets, people and ideas, everything changes. The more registered users we enroll on the site the more assets and resources we have communally available to all who are part of our mutual aid network. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Food
- Shelter
- Land
- Free WiFi
- Spaces to assemble
- Work space for projects
- Household goods
- Tools
- Training
- Education
- Volunteers
- Funding to support projects or get new ones off the ground
Our organization and website are co-created meaning that every registered user is part of this transitional process by relaying their newly acquired resources and findings from their social change work made "in the trenches" we are strengthened and can eliminate pitfalls other activists and organizers made before the dawn of the internet.
What people are saying about The Transition:
"This is truly a grand scale design. Connecting the multitude of like-minded groups and individuals onto one path to achieve similar but diverse variations of the same goal."
"...this platform is exceptional"
~ Lee Knott
"If anyone wishes to make changes to our current social systems, e.g. medical, economical, college, please check out The Transition...Whether you're looking to start up your own changes, contribute to others, or share & discover where you'd fit in, the level of support is amazing. They've got a step-by-step plan laid out for anyone to follow to reach their goals; I delayed way too long, but finally made a strong start to mine today and feel GREAT about it!"
"Cooperation and learning are an integral part of what it means to be human. The community environment The Transition provides has been designed to nurture and support the experience and evolution of this understanding. With The Transition people pursue life and learning at their own pace and according to their own interests, passions, and preferences. It is here [where they] provide helpful insights in looking at experimental social change models,alternatives to competition, freeing up energy for social change involvements, working to eliminate [individuals] own internalized "in-humanism" (racism, sexism, class-ism, etc.) and look toward the building of new organizational forms for the developing nonviolent movement for fundamental social change world-wide. Be forewarned that you will be exposed to ideas that will change the way you think about how you make decisions. Once you've been exposed to these ideas contained [on] the site, you will not be able to return to your previous understanding of decision-making."
"It's so easy and it's so seamless, but everyone wants to act like they have it all figured out, like it's their way or no way. If we all work together we can achieve more. We all have our piece to the puzzle we need to contribute and it starts here."
“I support The Transition as it is the most structurally sound road map I have been presented with and the resources are seemingly endless. Special thanks to the team for putting this resource together for us. ”
"We need a project like this so badly I couldn't fathom not signing up immediately. I think the only way someone like myself will be able to respect my life on earth is to be a part of some sort of solution to societies lost morals and pollution. I support The Transition because I need to find more people that are more interested in solving our problems than being entertained or pacified with apathy. Maybe I'm cocky to believe it can be done at all, but I think we owe it to the future to at least give it our all. I believe I have a role to fill, and I've felt this since birth. It has to do with being an agent of change and spreading love and awareness. This is an amazing opportunity for people that care about living with integrity and honoring the beauty of life."
Join The Transition NOW!
Inspired by: Metta Center: What is a Road-map, Peers Inc., Pixabay
Contributors: Free-Photos, Metta Center, Robin Chase
Recommended Reading: Metta Center: What is a Road-map