Contact Us!
If none of the below items apply to you just fill out the information in the fields below.
- Have questions about our website, organization or other things related to The Transition? Check out our FAQ section of our website.
- Want to give us a Progress Report on one of the Events you've put on? Give us the details in our Report Portal.
- Would you like to ask us for funding for your project? Please fill out this form with your request!
- Would you like your Intentional Community listed in our directory? Go here to find out how!
- Would you like your Co-op listed in our directory? Go here to find out how!
- Do you have a complaint about one of The Transition's communities, businesses, or co-ops? Please provide thorough information in the box below.
- Are you a Contributor of The Transition and would like your business to be listed in the Contributor Businesses section of our store? Please fill out this form with all of your info.
- Would you like to submit information for ImagiNATION CO-OPeration? Gives us all the juicy details down below!
- Would you like to submit a music video for our Jukebox? Please be sure to provide the link to the video as well as a link to the lyrics for the song when submitting in the box below.
- Would you like to host a movie screening in your local area? Please submit it on our Events page.
- Do you love to research advancements and new technology? Send us the links of your discoveries so we can share them with others.
- Got an internet meme you can't resist sharing? Send us the link and we might add it to our favorite internet memes portal!
All Others:
- Want to learn more about The Transition before you get involved? Browse our Transition FAQ for more info!
- Do you have a business that would appeal to our members, that has 500 employees or more? Go here to find out how you can be a featured business.
For the following categories:
- Did you find some typos, broken links or videos that don't work?
- Do you have a project idea you think we should work on?
- Did you find an awesome tool that you want to share that would help make collaboration even easier?
- Do you think our Standards are missing something?
Please submit to our Suggestion Box.
Our events calendar provides a broader outlook, helps all of us taking part in the transition to see our own personal efforts and those of The Transition Inter-Community Network as a whole. This way each one of us can see the larger picture and other efforts being made, not to mention taking part of in some of these amazing events and get-togethers.
Please be sure to inform your Point Person when you add an event. Due to an increase in internet spambot activity we no longer allow our site to automatically update submitted events. In order to verify and guarantee your event is posted and live for everyone to see contact your Point Person to make sure it gets approved.
Please Take Note:
- DO NOT RSVP for ANY BUD meeting unless you have been formally invited to attend. BUD meetings are listed so others are aware of their existence so as not over book the dates and times they are scheduled with other events.
- We value civil society. Community members who organize events should assume responsibility for public welfare and endeavor to communicate civic responsibilities to participants. They must also assume responsibility for conducting events in accordance with local, state, and federal laws.
See all events or Host your own
Can you help us keep the lights on?
Why do we need your financial support? Services we offer like Your Action Plan are FREE for you, but not for us. Maintaining and improving our website not only costs a lot of time, but money as well. For example, there are hardware and software costs, telecommunication costs and more. This project is not backed by a company, so there is no fixed funding and every minute we spend on it is taken from our spare time. We rely on the goodwill and generosity of people like you to continue our work until our goal of a Global Egalitarian System is a reality. Your Contributions ensures that we remain fiercely independent and able to act in the best interest of humanity. It isn't free, or even cheap, to run The Transition, and the future is a long way away (depending on how active you and others like you are in getting involved and squashing your fears).
Your landlord probably won't barter for rent. We have cash expenses too.
The Transition runs on generosity, mutual respect, and collaborative efforts.
Can you help with a contribution of $5, $10, or $20?
A little goes a long way.
$5= a month of server time
$20=1 domain for a year
$50= Nationbuilder software for 1 month
$60= One Year of Leadership Training
Of course, you can donate any amount you regard appropriate. We hope you get an idea of some of the things we have to pay for in order to maintain this website and our organization, for you.
So to make sure we can keep this all up and running, we would really appreciate your support!
With your support, we will work to prevent homelessness, poverty and incite an energy revolution; to protect and preserve our planet; to keep genetically engineered ingredients out of your food by teaching you how to plant and grow your own. We plan to create a peaceful and nuclear-free future.
Did you know: You can help donate funds without spending anything extra? Yup, Amazon pays us a little commission of whatever you buy, whether it be a product recommended here or anything else, if you follow this Amazon link. This helps us pay for servers and other necessary expenses to keep us running. Help Us -- Buy at Amazon. Bookmark our Amazon reference link to drop us a little commission every time you buy from them.
Donate today!
Our site exists so that creative solution oriented people (like yourself) can help each other produce results for their grassroots efforts that make global impact . More work gets done in networks of shared respect and shared resources than in competitive isolation. By honoring agreements and working hard, Contributors of The Transition Inter-Community Network will build lasting ties in a community of enormous potential.
With your help we can create a brighter tomorrow we can all be proud of!
The Law
- Do no harm
- Deprive none of the benefit and joy of their property or labor
- Use no fraud in contract
We also govern our online and offline community with a set of Standards. We feel that these standards really go without saying, but due to the system we have all been programmed by must be explicitly stated so there is no confusion of the expectations of our Contributors.
Our Declaration of Interdependence
"What we would like to see is people thinking of all the people of the world as being part of one cooperative family."
When, in the course of human events, the fundamental qualities that connect us become increasingly necessary to recognize, then we must reevaluate the truths we hold to be self-evident:
That all humans are created equal and all are connected.
That we share the pursuits of life, liberty, happiness, food, water, shelter, safety, education, justice, and hopes for a better future.
That our collective knowledge, economy, technology, and environment are fundamentally interdependent.
That what will propel us as a species is our curiosity, our ability to forgive, our ability to appreciate, our courage, and our desire to connect...
That these things we share will ultimately help us to evolve to our fullest common potential.
And whereas we should take our problems seriously, we should never take ourselves too seriously.
Because another thing that connects our ability to laugh...and our attempt to learn from our mistakes.
So that we can learn from the past, understand our place in the world, and use our collective knowledge to create a better future.
We can make the future whatever we want it to be.
So perhaps it's time that we, as a species, who love to laugh, ask questions, and something radical and true.
For centuries, we have declared independence.
Perhaps it's now time that we, as humans, declare our interdependence!
Written by: Those @ Let It Ripple
Endorsed by: Fellow Human Beings all over the world
Feel inspired?
Get Involved Today!
Our Plan
"The tragedy of life does not lie in not reaching your goals, the tragedy lies in not having any goals to reach. It isn't a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream, it is not a disaster to be unable to capture your ideals, but it is a disaster to have no ideals to capture, it is not a disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach."
~ Dr. Benjamin Mays
Goals are dreams set to paper and so we have placed our dreams in the hands of each other to bring our goals to a reality we can all share. This Transition Plan is created for the express purpose of transitioning from our current failing economic system and civilization to a new, more evolved Global Egalitarian System and civilization.
So, what is our overall goal you ask? Simply put: To replace a system whose priorities are power and profit with meeting the needs of all beings by establishing a system that puts people and the environment over profits.
To do it we have Strategic Action Goals to attain that:
1. Raise awareness of the need to work together to build resilience in the face of the current challenges we deal today like:
- Degradation of the biosphere
- Malaise of the Economic System
- Decline in Human Health
- Growth in Global Poverty and often Subsequent Inequality
2. Support the emergence and growth of Transition initiatives and leaders in all regions of the world.
3. Support the continued development and delivery of high quality education, training and consulting in support of the advancement of The Transition.
4. Mirror the diversity of our world in Transition Missions by supporting BUDs efforts to include all major cultural and demographic segments of their local communities.
5. Achieve financial sustainability for The Transition and the individuals and organizations that align themselves with The Transition by joining The Transition Inter-Community Network.
All of our phases work towards the ideals laid out in this compass depiction above.
Phase 0 -“Seed Phase”
Phase I - Building Community/"Soil Phase"
Phase II – “Weeding” (Community)
Phase III – “Harvesting” (Community)
Phase IV – “Pollination” (Community)
(Additional phases will be developed when a critical mass is hit in the latter phases.)
A transition plan that is fully functional and lucid reduces everything down to processes that we can do individually, but that when done simultaneously with others creates a huge impact on the world around us. The Transition Team has drafted such a plan (with the help of many consultants and experts in their own individual fields) that gives us a list of things to do, and creates a space in which to do that work by getting us all to get along and work together to achieve our mutual goal. Integral to Our Plan is a “peace from within” empowerment model based on Gandhi’s famous concept of svadeshi, or ‘localism’: we work on ourselves, work with colleagues, and then use that energy to work against oppressing systems (but not the persons operating them!).
"The dedicated to showing why a transition needs to happen. What the new world [we co-create] looks like, detailed. How to transition each section of society, how to prepare us mentally for how to react according to the new guidelines and confirmation of the resources we will no longer have to fight for like before. It's getting everyone on the same page [both literally and figuratively]...Imagine if you had it at the beginning of your journey!"
These following pages are "living" in that they are continually edited and updated as new information becomes available; they are emergent in their design.
Begin YOUR action plan today!
Sources: Metta Center: What is a Road-map, Roadmap Compass, Transition Primer: A Guide to Becoming a Transition Town, US Version
Contributors: Metta Center, Transition US
Recommended Books: Metta Center: What is a Road-map, Transition Primer: A Guide to Becoming a Transition Town, US Version
Our Values
"The only hope for developing a new civilization is to accept responsibility for improving our lives through knowledge, understanding, and a deeper comprehension of humanity’s relationship to natural processes of evolution. Our future is determined by effort we put forth to achieve this transition."
~ Jacque Fresco
The Transition wants to accelerate the integration of belief systems. This will facilitate the global revelation that the only difference between us is our belief systems and bring forth the individual insight that beliefs can be created or destroyed with ease as they are of our own design. When we arrive at this paradigm collectively, the "right" and "wrong" mentality will dissolve and give way to a proactive co-creative society with world peace as the outcome. To begin that process, we advocate to our Contributors that they embody these four core values.
See Also:
Principles From Which We Are Based
Are these things you value as well?
Inspired By: Scopio
Contributor: Cayetana Saiz
Our Charter
We hold these truths to be self evident:
- We can provide protection for this planet and its inhabitants, both present and future.
- We can provide the necessities of a healthy, happy life to all people.
- Freedom from dangerous pollutants
- Secure, comfortable housing
- Healthy, nutritious, abundant food
- Liberty for self-fulfillment, barring unfair abuse of others
- We can provide social equality to all people.
- The finite resources of earth (land, air, water, etc.) must be held in common, and not owned for any private interest.
- All use of finite resources must be kept in balance with nature, favoring a restorative approach so that the resources will be available for all future generations.
- Community development must prioritize the provision of secure, local access to goods and services so that no person or community becomes dependent on another for basic necessities.
If you live your life by this same moral compass
Inspired by: A Photo of a Woman Posing
Contributor: German Matviuk
Our Vision
Our vision is of a world where people live in peace, consciousness of their common humanity and their shared responsibilities for each other, for the planet and for future generations.
The Transition is comprised of vibrant BUD Teams, Intentional Communities, Co-op Businesses and grassroots community initiatives and events that seek to build community resilience in the face of the challenging times we are now experiencing.
- Degradation of the biosphere
- Malaise of the Economic System
- Decline in Human Health
- Growth in Global Poverty and often Subsequent Inequality
These issues are real problems we now face. It is through our programming targeted at our overall vision that we seek to mitigate these converging global crises by engaging our communities on the local level, with citizen-led education, action, and multi-stakeholder planning to increase local self reliance and resilience that creates global impact. Every community across the globe is capable of engaging its collective creativity to unleash an extraordinary and historic transition to a future beyond:
- Fossil fuels
- Technological Unemployment
- Factory Farming
- Inequality
Together we can create a future that is more vibrant, abundant and resilient; one that is ultimately preferable to the present.
Inspired By: Lone Tree In Middle of Still Lake, Transition Primer: A Guide to Becoming a Transition Town, US Version
Contributors: Jean-Ernst Voigt, Transition US
Recommended Reading: Transition Primer: A Guide to Becoming a Transition Town, US Version
Nicole Bienfang's TOCC Trip Report 2013
New notebooks purchased for notes for workshops
Neon index cards purchased to give fellow attendees my contact info
White index cards purchased to get contact info from attendees (and survey data if they had the time)
Url purchased- (used for survey to make it easy to remember)
Online survey created
Our online survey was printed out to run people through it if they had time availability
Finished Reading Philanthrocapitalism book on train ride to event
Purchased used book at random gas station read in its entirety: Transitions- Making Sense of Life’s Changes, Strategies for Coping with the Difficult Painful, and Confusing Times in Your Life (which really applies to our group and how it is hard for people to transition from one thing lifestyle, job, relationship etc to another even if it is more beneficial)
Saw first hand how work shifts were divvied out to members and how work was accomplished as a community
Participated in Twin Oaks Community 2 hr. Tour
Participated in Acorn Community Tour (not sure of length of time)
Learned Transparency Tools (Unsaids and Withholds)
Learned About 22 Reasons to Share Housing (
Learned Icebreakers/games to get groups of strangers to build relationships and create intimacy
Gave an introduction to all attendees about The Transition: who we are,what we do, and what our end vision is (and got a lot of “Oh you are The Transition girl” "Someone told me I should talk to you" because of it, throughout the whole conference).
Talked with various community representatives about our group
Participated in the Community Development “Track” of workshops which covered:
-Starting a Community
-Online Storytelling: Modern Tools to Build Your Community
-Alphabet Soup: Legal Structures for Communities
Donated items to FIC Benefit Auction and bid on items as well. The following items were won:
- 5 back copies of Communities Magazine with topics covering:
*Health & Well Being
* Community in Hard Times
*Festivals and Gatherings
*Politics in Community
*Scarcity and Abundance
- DVD The End of Suburbia-Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream
Purchased from FIC pop up bookstore book title: The New Social Learning A Guide to Transforming Organizations Through Social Media (only a few pages in so far too much work to do!)
Was a co-lecturer/speaker at an Open Session (workshops presented by attendees) on the topic of transitional concepts and the “in between” here and now and where we want to be. (This is when what we are dong started to click for people).
Attended New Economics Symposium which addressed alternative currencies being used by people attending the conference and learned about Plenties in particular (see:
Acquired multiple takeaways such as detailed sheets about workshop material, flyers, brochures etc. of various communities, organizations.
At a restroom stop purchased a blueprint book at a big box hardware store. The designs focus on entertaining, organized, de-stressing and flexible use spaces. These are perfect for co-housing concepts as well as main community buildings for intentional communities. This book will serve as inspiration for our organization to form blueprints of our own for our site to be used by our online virtual community.
125 mass e-mails sent out to everyone who shared their contact info and attended the event with information of our Facebook group as well as our online survey.
1 survey done in person other personal contacts committed to doing it online)
21 personal contacts made (including notables and key influencers in this field- I will be following up with all of them via e-mail, phone and Skype chats in the coming weeks)
1 attendee was a pre-existing Hybrid member!
Posted on Twin Oaks Community Conference an invite to this page as well as the link to the survey to help build the website.
As always if you have any questions about anything feel free to contact me directly. :)