"My friends, may all illusion drop away and help us realize that all life is connected and that we are one with the Earth and one with each other. May we keep our efforts local and grounded. May we promote diversity as if it were the very substrate of the life force. May we never forget to turn to the goodness of nature to heal body, mind and spirit. "
~ Richo Cech
-Become a Contributor and become more actively involved in making a difference and reaching our mutual goals.
-Find Nearby Supporters close to you.
-Go see a film at one of our Movie Screening Events.
- Come to one of our Events closest to where you are in the world.
-Promote The Transition with Our Programs in your local community.
Build Support
"There are only two options. To be the person who is making positive change or to support the one who is making positive change."
The organizing being done by grass-roots Contributors across the world is creating momentum and changing the conversation on important issues- and you have an important role to play in growing this movement.
- Direct people asking questions about The Transition (on Quora, Facebook and other forums) to our website. Talk about our campaigns and victories in your own language, and make sure your friends know how you're making a difference. Be sure to use your Personalized Supporter Referral Link to refer new people to the site and earn rewards.
-Wear The Transition T-shirt, sweatshirt or button when you go to large public events,they make a great conversation piece!
- Place one of our banners on your website or blog.
- Recommend or Supply your local library with one or all of the books found on our recommended reading list.
- Purchase items from our online stores and member businesses. The more you purchase the things you need and want from other members the more your funds go to the projects we support. Always think about shopping with us first when the holidays roll around! Remember you "vote" for the future you want, with the money you chose to spend. Where is your future headed?
"I'm convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere. For a change, start by speaking to people rather than walking by them like they're stones that don't matter. As long as you're breathing, it's never too late to do some good."~ Maya Angelou
This fragile Earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs you.
Volunteers worldwide help us do everything from running this website to building intentional communities. In some areas we provide live presentations and movie screenings. To find out more, you'll want to stay up-to-date by coming back to the site often.Want to volunteer? Signup here.
- Come to one of our Events closest to where you are in the world.
- Organize and host a screening of one of the films found in our Movie Vault. Have a talent for getting a group together? We love to connect with people like you and we even have a kit to help you pull off an event like this from start to finish!
- Create a Letter to the Editor for your local newspaper or publication that gives your opinion on an issue related to The Transition, and calls on your fellow community members to take action and get involved. We show you how!
- Guest blog on another website and talk about The Transition or you or your BUD's personal activity regarding The Transition Plan. Don't forget to forward us a link on our Contact Us page so we can feature it on the site!
-Send action emails and messages to your friends by sharing pages from our site both via e-mail and social media. Test it out RIGHT NOW, by clicking the "Share Buttons" below or using your own personal referral link.
We are organizing people who take action- are you one of them?
- Band together with fellow human beings from all over the world by acknowledging Our Declaration of Interdependence.
- Get to know The Basics.
-Go see a film at one of our Movie Screening Events.
- Have fun while you watch all of our movies found in our Movie Vault.
Create Momentum
Add your name-because real, lasting change only happens when we organize. The kind of progress we seek doesn't come easy—it requires people like YOU working towards it. Will you?
- Endorse Our Trust.
- Make an Endorsement with the reason why you are supporting The Transition!
Are you on Quora?
Upvote this answer for How do we make the transition from consumerism to a resource based economy?
Accept Alternative Currency via GrantCoin
We need help to make the completion of this project a priority for GrantCoin's Team. Please see details here.
Feature Requests for Nationbuilder
We have built The Transition website on Nationbuilder and although it is feature rich there are some features we feel we need, but that they do not offer at this time. In order for their staff to work on these developments they need to see how serious we are about needing them. Please go to the following feature request pages listed below and check the box that says "Important to Me" and leave a comment if you like!
- Assign Political Capital Based on Membership Levels
- Email "drip" campaigns - scheduled communications in series
- Allow donors to "cover the processing fees" on their credit card donations
- Cloned Events Should Copy Tags
- Add Ability to Tag User When They Complete a PATH
- Events Displayed Until End Date
- Add a Waiting List Feature to Events
- Add an "autoresponses" option alongside SEO & Social Media in the CMS
- Suggestion Box as Forums: Call Array of Multiple Page's Activities
- Quiz or Test Feature
- Notification E-mail When Referral Leads to a New Member to Nation
- Automatic PATH Sign-Up
- Allow Recruiters to See the Registered Users and Number of People They Recruited
- No Error Message When Navigating to a Page You Do Not Have Permissions to Access
- The pricing between the Leader and Organization tiers seems to be a steep jump
- Create new plan based on Leader + Memberships
- Multiple Suggestions for Paths Improvements
- Provide Automated E-mail After Path is Completed
- Make Unread/ Not Responded to E-mails More Visible on Broadcasters Page+ Text Notifications
- Spam Protection?
- Add ability to add image captions through WYSIWYG editor
- Assign Political Capital for Path Completion
- "Logged in only" pages log users out when multiple tabs are opened
- Bug: Signing in brings the user to last page they signed out from
- Support ICal Format for Calendars
"Who?" FAQ
- Who is A. Allen Butcher?
- Who is Abraham Maslow?
- Who is Annamarie Pluhar?
- Who is Charles Eisenstein?
- Who is Christopher Moore?
- Who is C.T. Butler?
- Who is Diana Leafe Christian
- Who is Geoph Kozeny?
- Who is GPaul Blundell?
- Who is Ira Wallace?
- Who is Jae Sabol?
- Who is Jenise Fryatt?
- Who is Jessica Pettitt ?
- Who is Maikwe Ludwig?
- Who is Michael Nagler?
- Who is Paxus Calta-Star?
- Who is Peter Woodrow?
- Who is Tom Dawkins?
- Who is Jim Gilliam?
- Who is Matt Stannard?
The Cooking Pot
"When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream. When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of reality." ~ Dom Helder Camara
The Transition exists to collaboratively design, develop, and implement a network of intentional communities and co-op businesses all over the world, through grassroots projects that birth them. This becomes by default a community (virtually as well as locally) where people are fulfilled in their development towards their highest potential of human experience for themselves and all others. In order to reach that potential we created The Cooking Pot.
The Cooking Pot is The Transition's Challenge Grant peer-funding platform (a.k.a. crowd-funding). We called it The Cooking Pot because a lot of the principles The Transition is based on comes from the story Stone Soup. It's not possible to make soup without a pot just like all of our projects are not possible unless we pool together our resources and work cohesively as a team to make them happen.
A version of the folk tale Stone Soup
Below you will see a list of our latest peer-funding campaigns. These campaigns are submitted by BUDs or one of our intentional communities or co-ops. They are posted because their project got approved by Contributors like you and they are striving to come up with half of the funds they need to fulfill the goals of their project. If successful we will grant them the other half of the funding they need. So, please take a look and see what our Contributors are up to and if what they are doing resonates with you please donate, and be sure to spread the word so we can gain even more momentum for our organization to progress and achieve the steps outlined in Our Plan.
Thanks for your support!
Unlike other platforms, The Cooking Pot has no fees — your entire contribution goes to the group requesting funding (minus 3rd-party credit card processing fees).
To keep our site running, we rely on small donations from our community. These cover essential technical infrastructure costs needed to support thousands of active Contributors every day.
Thank you for supporting us in making all of our goals become a reality!
Memes Found From Around the Web
The World Is Changed
Posted by The Transition Team ·
Something To Think About...
Posted by The Transition Team · · 1 reaction
What Would You Do?
Posted by The Transition Team ·