Report Portal
Thanks for helping make a difference in your community.
How did you help out The Transition, on a grassroots level, in your community?
- Volunteered at a local event
- Helped friends and family get involved
- Shared your story
- Wrote a letter to a local paper
- Shared a story on Twitter or Facebook
- Helping the Transition Team to work on the website
- Something else?
Be sure to include how many hours of your time you contributed as well!
Take a few minutes to tell us which activities you took part in, and let us know how it went.
Submit ProgressContact Us!
If none of the below items apply to you just fill out the information in the fields below.
- Have questions about our website, organization or other things related to The Transition? Check out our FAQ section of our website.
- Want to give us a Progress Report on one of the Events you've put on? Give us the details in our Report Portal.
- Would you like to ask us for funding for your project? Please fill out this form with your request!
- Would you like your Intentional Community listed in our directory? Go here to find out how!
- Would you like your Co-op listed in our directory? Go here to find out how!
- Do you have a complaint about one of The Transition's communities, businesses, or co-ops? Please provide thorough information in the box below.
- Are you a Contributor of The Transition and would like your business to be listed in the Contributor Businesses section of our store? Please fill out this form with all of your info.
- Would you like to submit information for ImagiNATION CO-OPeration? Gives us all the juicy details down below!
- Would you like to submit a music video for our Jukebox? Please be sure to provide the link to the video as well as a link to the lyrics for the song when submitting in the box below.
- Would you like to host a movie screening in your local area? Please submit it on our Events page.
- Do you love to research advancements and new technology? Send us the links of your discoveries so we can share them with others.
- Got an internet meme you can't resist sharing? Send us the link and we might add it to our favorite internet memes portal!
All Others:
- Want to learn more about The Transition before you get involved? Browse our Transition FAQ for more info!
- Do you have a business that would appeal to our members, that has 500 employees or more? Go here to find out how you can be a featured business.
For the following categories:
- Did you find some typos, broken links or videos that don't work?
- Do you have a project idea you think we should work on?
- Did you find an awesome tool that you want to share that would help make collaboration even easier?
- Do you think our Standards are missing something?
Please submit to our Suggestion Box.