1 My inner vision of how beautiful and wonderful life on Earth can potentially be is not congruent with the reality of my current day to day experience. 2 I intend to use the site daily or as often as it makes sense to use it. (I intend to be working at my action plan daily or close to it. If at some point I am doing a step on my action plan that has me doing something in the real world I might not actually come onto the website if it isn’t required for the work I’m doing at that time.) 3 I expect to have a reciprocal relationship with The Transition in which I am doing plenty of work to start/develop/maintain my projects as part of the TT network and you will be helping me with guidance, encouragement, fellowship and support. 4 As long as you are here for me I want to be here for you. I feel that it is my divine duty to act as a guardian/steward to life and Earth and it seems like TT is going to be a lot of help in empowering me in my mission and aligning me with people with the same aim. So yes I do see myself being very actively involved for a long time. 5 Funds contributed from monthly donations and income generated by hybrid co-op businesses? and well to be honest I don’t know how realistic this is, but I imagine that I will be able to start small with my project, keep costs relatively low in the initial stages and turn a small profit to progressively save up and expand as more resources become available. I don’t know the practical details about how the funds will be generated but I am very hopeful that with your guidance and my willingness to put in my “sweat equity” my visions will manifest. 6 I feel that all matters in life are connected to each other and the site is touching every area of my life in a transformative way. 7 Yes 8 Yes, once I know more about it. I would want to be pretty confident with the concepts and info before trying to teach other people about it. 9 Life is ever-changing and every experience I’ve had has been life-altering. So yes I expect using the site will aid in my continued growth and transformation. 10 I don’t know. I’m sure it will depend on the humans on the other side of the webforms, how they are feeling on that day, what needs of theirs are or aren’t being fulfilled and to what degree, what kind other obligations they have in their day-to-day lives, etc. I imagine most queries would be addressed within a few days 11 Isn't “reasonable” an evaluation according to NVC? Haha. But to be honest I really don’t know. I don’t pretend to have a completely clear picture of how the transition is going to happen and what it’s going to take. some other expectations I want to share.. I expect that I will be amazed and inspired countless times by the people working and growing alongside me and that I will also amaze and inspire others. I expect that we will face some difficulties and that at times circumstances may appear bleak. I expect I will find financial freedom and ultimate fulfillment. I expect that I will develop some incredible friendships. I expect that we will be successful in manifesting Heaven on Earth. I expect I will continue evolving into an ever more beautiful being and learn to provide ever greater value to the beings of the cosmos.
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