Nicole Bienfang responded to Avatar Compassion Exercise with planned 2016-11-12 04:48:15 -0600 on November 12, 2016 at 04:48 AM (CST)
Avatar Compassion Exercise
Here is the website about the Compassion Project. http://theavatarcourse.com/en/the-compassion-project-eng.html. If you would like to use an image of the Compassion Exercise somewhere on the site, I can seek permission from Star's Edge, the publisher of the card on your behalf.
Official response from Nicole Bienfang plannedYes, the Compassion Project is very much in alignment with The Transition's Values and we would love to feature the Compassion Exercise in our Meme Portal and possibly other sections of the site as well. :) If you could get permission on behalf of us that would be very helpful. Thank you!
Nicole Bienfang published A New Story of Us in YouTube Tracker 2016-11-11 05:37:40 -0600 on November 11, 2016 at 05:37 AM (CST)
A New Story of Us
Happiness: it’s what we all want. And contrary to the messages advertisers want us to believe, we cannot buy it. So how do we find happiness?
We can start by looking at the way society is currently structured. Do our systems help all of us meet our human needs? Do they foster our sense of compassion? Is everyone treated fairly and justly? Are there widely established mechanisms for building relationships of trust?
We can also look at our view of humankind. Do we hold a positive understanding of who we are and what we are here to do?
Metta Center’s short video “A New Story of Us” answers these questions, highlighting a path to the happiness and peace we’re all seeking.
We Are All Contributors
How can you contribute to creating a happier, more peaceful society? In what ways might you be able to share the new story of us? To get some ideas, explore the key topics touched upon in the video:
- Restorative Justice
- Unarmed Peacekeeping
- New Story
- Roadmap
Where to Go From Here
Ready to take concrete action? Here are a few things you can do right away:
- Spread the word about “A New Story of Us”: share the video link with others
- Learn more: guide yourself through our Education section of the site
- Stay inspired and informed: sign up for the Metta Center's bi-weekly newsletter, and get the latest nonviolence news with our Peace Paradigm Radio show
Sources: Metta Center: What is a Road-map
Contributors: Metta Center
Recommended Books: Metta Center: What is a Road-map
Nicole Bienfang responded to Store Supplier with considering 2016-08-26 18:10:58 -0500 on August 26, 2016 at 06:10 PM (CDT)
Store Supplier
Hi Nicole! Wow! The Transition site is looking good! Congratulations! I am working with Bituen Organization and we're helping local craftsmen/women to market their goods. May I submit to you samples of these goods if necessary to be sold at this site with Transition getting a percentage of it like etsy/darby, or will photos and descriptions suffice (like the shops I mentioned)? All profits are returned to our projects Reading caravan (free books disirbution to marginalized children), and Sustainability & 3Rs Forums and workshops (free workshops for gardening, livelihood, etc). in the Philippines. Thank you! Marge
Official response from Nicole Bienfang consideringHi Margaret! This is something we know our supporters and Contributors have wanted to do we just didn't know how much interest there was for it. Now that you have submitted this inquiry we are looking into it more thoroughly. Since we have a small team that is volunteer based we are looking for the cheapest options available to make this happen. We will keep you posted on this the minute we find a solution that best meets the needs of those of you we serve. We also have a Contributor Businesses portion of the store we will also work on building once we come back from the Twin Oaks Communities Conference.
Nicole Bienfang tagged Research Assistant, Volunteeer/Consultant- The Transition Team with volunteer/consultant 2016-08-14 22:34:54 -0500 on August 14, 2016 at 10:34 PM (CDT)
Research Assistant, Volunteeer/Consultant- The Transition Team
A Research Assistant's job duties cover all aspects of research for The Transition Team's needs. This person will be expected to meet all requirements of being a Transition Team member. If those requirements cannot be met they may take on the position on a Consultant basis. The Research Assistant will research persons, organizations and topics of interest that aid The Transition Team in developing programs and increasing the organizations success rate of achieving its goals.Their duties include, but aren't limited to, the following:
- Looking up intel about persons, organizations, and topics of interest
- Reporting back findings in a timely fashion to The Transition Team via Googledocs
- Watching films or documentaries and taking notes regarding individuals that are featured in them
- Updating files as needed
- Creating back up files
To get more information and apply please contact: Nicole Bienfang
Nicole Bienfang tagged Mission Expert, Volunteer/Consultant- The Transition Team with volunteer/consultant 2016-08-14 22:35:43 -0500 on August 14, 2016 at 10:35 PM (CDT)
Mission Expert, Volunteer/Consultant- The Transition Team
Here at The Transition we unify social change makers and assist them in making global impact by creating positive social change locally. We seek individuals and organizations who have “in the trenches” experience who can give us their “blueprints” or playbook in a how-to format to train and facilitate the creation of more of these programs internationally.
We are interested in the projects that have to do with the following categories:
Art- Some examples are public community murals, moss graffiti (http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Moss-Graffiti) , Cameras to the Homeless (http://www.stevehuffphoto.com/)
Economics-Some examples are alternative virtual currencies (http://www.grantcoin.org/), Gifting Circles, Barter Events, Local currency (http://theplenty.org/) , Pay What You Can Afford Restaurant (https://www.jbjsoulkitchen.org/)
Education- Some examples are teaching empathy in schools (http://www.edutopia.org/blog/empathy-back-to-school-supply-homa-tavangar) , Pizza Gardens http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/thnkgard.sci.ess.pizza/think-garden-pizza-gardens/)
Environment- Some examples include Guerilla Gardening, Seed Bombs, Adopt a Road/Park, Beach Clean-up, Elimination of Plastic Grocery Bag campaigns, Composting
Governance- Some examples include Consensus, Robert's Rules of Order, Dynamic Governance, Sociocracy, N Street Consensus
Health-Some examples are growing community gardens, training on how to ferment food, lectures on using home remedies/herbs, running a free clinic, Haircuts for Homeless (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/17/mark-bustos-homeless-haircuts_n_5678454.html)
Infastructure-Some examples are New Urbanism/Walk-able cities, Community Place Making (http://www.theuglyindian.com/), Paths/Roads for Bicyclists
Justice- Some examples, Restorative Justice, Privilege Education, Rehabilitation in Jails/Prisions, Food Justice (http://www.foodforfree.org/ )
Media- Some examples are hosting alternative media platforms websites, podcasts, blogs, Youtube channel/show
Relations-Some examples are You Can Touch My Hair (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJn_i6LYFSE) , Diversity Training,Potlucks, Conferences, Festivals, Homeless Restaurants (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/kansas-city-community-kitchen-restaurant-style-soup-homeless_us_56d87303e4b0000de4039a01)
Science- Some examples are creating alternative energy, building robots or systems to eliminate redundant work, creating Living Machines (http://www.livingmachines.com/Home.aspx)
If you have participated in any of the examples above or have worked on a project related to any of these categories please The Transition Team's Seed Person Nicole Bienfang and let us know what you are working on. We would love to create how-to blueprints for our supporters to duplicate your progressive and positive projects all over the world!
Nicole Bienfang tagged Mission Expert, Volunteer/ Consultant- The Transition Team with volunteer/consultant 2016-08-14 22:39:49 -0500 on August 14, 2016 at 10:39 PM (CDT)
Mission Expert, Volunteer/ Consultant- The Transition Team
A Mission Expert's job duties cover all aspects of various types of missions. This is a Volunteer/Consultant position. This person will be expected to meet all requirements of being a Transition Team member if their desire is to become a full time Transition Team member The Mission Expert will assess the needs of our Contributors, and help and create new content for our site. Their duties include, but aren't limited to, the following:
- Writing and editing content (in Step-by-Step Format)
- Designing duplicate-able missions that create large impacts all over the world
- Determining technical requirements
- Updating The Transition Team on new system or mission discoveries
- Creating back up files
- Providing high quality photos and or video to demonstrate created written content
We seek individuals and organizations who have “in the trenches” experience who can give us their “blueprints” or playbook in a how-to format to train and facilitate the creation of more of these programs internationally. We are interested in the projects that have to do with the following categories:
- Art- Some examples are public community murals, moss graffiti (http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Moss-Graffiti) , Cameras to the Homeless (http://www.stevehuffphoto.com/)
- Economics-Some examples are alternative virtual currencies (http://www.grantcoin.org/ ), Gifting Circles, Barter Events, Local currency (http://theplenty.org/) , Pay What You Can Afford Restaurant (https://www.jbjsoulkitchen.org/)
- Education- Some examples are teaching empathy in schools (http://www.edutopia.org/blog/empathy-back-to-school-supply-homa-tavangar ) , Pizza Gardens 9http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/thnkgard.sci.ess.pizza/think-garden-pizza-gardens/)
- Environment- Some examples include Guerilla Gardening, Seed Bombs, Adopt a Road/Park, Beach Clean-up, Elimination of Plastic Grocery Bag campaigns, Composting
- Governance- Some examples include Consensus, Robert's Rules of Order, Dynamic Governance, Sociocracy, N Street Consensus
- Health-Some examples are growing community gardens, training on how to ferment food, lectures on using home remedies/herbs, running a free clinic, Haircuts for Homeless (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/17/mark-bustos-homeless-haircuts_n_5678454.html )
- Infastructure-Some examples are New Urbanism/Walk-able cities, Community Place Making (http://www.theuglyindian.com/ ), Paths/Roads for Bicyclists
- Justice- Some examples, Restorative Justice, Privilege Education, Rehabilitation in Jails/Prisions, Food Justice (http://www.foodforfree.org/ )
- Media- Some examples are hosting alternative media platforms websites, podcasts, blogs, Youtube channel/show
- Relations-Some examples are You Can Touch My Hair (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJn_i6LYFSE ) , Diversity Training,Potlucks, Conferences, Festivals, Homeless Restaurants (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/kansas-city-community-kitchen-restaurant-style-soup-homeless_us_56d87303e4b0000de4039a01)
- Science- Some examples are creating alternative energy, building robots or systems to eliminate redundant work, creating Living Machines (http://www.livingmachines.com/Home.aspx)
Please do not apply if you only have book or internet knowledge and have no prior experience in actually dealing with different types of missions like the ones we mentioned above. You will be expected to have a portfolio of your work and references. To get more information and apply please contact The Transition Team Seed: Nicole Bienfang If you have participated in any of the examples above or have worked on a project related to any of these categories we want to hear from you! We would love to create how-to blueprints for our supporters to duplicate your progressive and positive projects all over the world!
Nicole Bienfang tagged Home Foundation Expert,Volunteer/Consultant-The Transition Team with volunteer/consultant 2016-08-14 22:40:20 -0500 on August 14, 2016 at 10:40 PM (CDT)
Home Foundation Expert,Volunteer/Consultant-The Transition Team
A Home Foundation Expert's role covers all aspects of creating a foundation for a home or building structure. This is a Volunteer/Consultant position. This person will be expected to meet all requirements of being a Transition Team member if their desire is to become a full time Transition Team member. The Home Foundation Expert will assess the needs of our Contributors, and help and create new content regarding different types of foundations. Their duties include, but aren't limited to, the following:
Writing and editing content (in Step-by-Step Format)
Designing home foundations
Determining technical requirements
Updating The Transition Team on new techniques
Creating back up files
Providing high quality photos and or video to demonstrate construction
Currently the team is interested in the following styles of foundations:
- Rubble Trench
- Urbanite
- Gravel Bags
- Poured Concrete
- Block Stem Walls
- Concrete Pier
Please do not apply if you only have book or internet knowledge and have no prior experience in actually building. You will be expected to have a portfolio of your work and references.
To get more information and apply please contact The Transition Team Seed: Nicole Bienfang
Nicole Bienfang responded to Site Content: The Code - The Intenders of Highest Good with started 2018-05-30 05:01:57 -0500 on May 30, 2018 at 05:01 AM (CDT)
Site Content: The Code - The Intenders of Highest Good
This is a content suggestion for the site: The Code (http://www.intenders.com/images/TheCommunityCode.pdf): www.intenders.com. An excerpt of the codes: The Community Code A Code of Conduct for Coming Together A Compact for Families, Churches, Businesses, Neighborhoods, and Groups of all kinds The First Intent ~ Support Life The Second Intent ~ Seek Truth The Third Intent ~ Set Our Course ...etc....
Official response from Nicole Bienfang startedSo, we reached out to the founder of this organization via his Facebook page and have yet to hear back. We feel there could be room for collaboration and both orgs working together. We look forward to see how this develops.
Nicole Bienfang responded to The Transition TV App with planned 2018-05-30 05:00:36 -0500 on May 30, 2018 at 05:00 AM (CDT)
The Transition TV App
I know this is very premature, but I wanted to get it out there before I forget again. Years ago, I spoke to several org about getting together to make an "RBE" or "Community" app/channel for Roku (and I suppose Apple TV and the other similar forms). Needless to say, it never got off the ground. It takes a bit to set up, but it may be a good way to combine org videos, projects, and past events into one "hub" for all to see. Plus, there are millions of users of Roku and similar devices that refuse to pay for TV subscriptions, and built-in RokuTV and other devices are becoming much more common. It could be a way to reach a new audience. This may hold more importance as groups develop or combine their created media later on. Events, weekly updates, and board meetings could all be put there adding to the transparency of each organization.
Official response from Nicole Bienfang plannedActually, it is not premature. Our team has discussed this at one of our team meetings over a year ago. We have approved this as a project we want to do, but unfortunately, due to a small team we are unable to tackle it at this time. We hope to use this platform to promote and advocate all of the work of those registered and involved with The Transition in the future.
Nicole Bienfang responded to Co-opoly Board Game with planned 2016-04-15 19:55:10 -0500 on April 15, 2016 at 07:55 PM (CDT)
Co-opoly Board Game
Though not currently on Amazon, it may be as simple as requesting to the manufacturers to add it. That could also spur further relations with this group or others they work with. The game can be found at http://store.toolboxfored.org/co-opoly-the-game-of-co-operatives/
Official response from Nicole Bienfang plannedThank you. We were aware of this game and have intentions of reaching out to the company that produces it. Our main priority at this time is the launch of the website, but we will work on this in the future. Thank YOU!
Nicole Bienfang responded to under isms could be the meaning of this abbreviation included. with incomplete 2018-05-30 04:58:16 -0500 on May 30, 2018 at 04:58 AM (CDT)
under isms could be the meaning of this abbreviation included.
We need the url for the page you saw this on.
Nicole Bienfang responded to Jukebox suggestions with started 2018-05-30 04:45:29 -0500 on May 30, 2018 at 04:45 AM (CDT)
Jukebox suggestions
Common Ground https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpppGJlYeLs&index=1&list=PL-ERvhVWnQmENj2ctigoETGDMFmRp54hd From a Distance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzOVn9Gmpts May Your Life be a s Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAvai4ukcYI&list=PL-ERvhVWnQmFsuh3QzTAOdWTWNY1PMxBR
Nicole Bienfang responded to action plan seems to focus on studying a lot with incomplete 2018-05-30 04:42:58 -0500 on May 30, 2018 at 04:42 AM (CDT)
action plan seems to focus on studying a lot
I'm not certain about the action plan, seems like it's more of a study plan then action. Most people do not naturally want to study, they want to do something, I just wonder will this turn people off to actually moving forward with the action plan if it's too study oriented to begin with, people may skip steps etc.
Nicole Bienfang tagged How-To for Strategy BUDs, Volunteer/Consultant-The Transition Team with volunteer/consultant 2015-08-01 20:54:56 -0500 on August 01, 2015 at 08:54 PM (CDT)
How-To for Strategy BUDs, Volunteer/Consultant-The Transition Team
The Transition Team is looking for a Strategy based BUD that has developed a system of how to tackle the issues that plague their local area. We are looking for detailed steps of how you began to research, develop strategy and implement networking with local organizations (like homeless shelters etc.) to help address the issues most relevant to your area. Your feedback will be used to create content on our site to help other developing BUDs do the same. Professional reports and documentation is required. To fulfill this need your BUD's duties include, but aren't limited to, the following:
- Writing and editing content in a step format
- Determining the best sites or places for research for the discovery phase
- Updating The Transition with any changes to the provided information
- Creating back up files
- Providing your own photos if relevant
To get more information and apply please contact the Team Seed: Nicole Bienfang
Nicole Bienfang tagged Air Refresher Spray Tester, DIY Tester- The Transition Team with Diy Tester 2016-08-14 22:33:25 -0500 on August 14, 2016 at 10:33 PM (CDT)
Air Refresher Spray Tester, DIY Tester- The Transition Team
Before we put projects or solutions on the website we want to make sure that they work! Be one of our testers and determine whether these solutions are a good idea. We need 5 people to try out each solution before it gets approved to be put up on the site.
Test this out and get back to us with your findings! Follow the directions above in the picture.
Send us your results in our Report Portal.
Nicole Bienfang tagged Hydrogen Peroxide Tester, DIY Tester- The Transition Team with Diy Tester 2016-08-14 22:31:36 -0500 on August 14, 2016 at 10:31 PM (CDT)
Hydrogen Peroxide Tester, DIY Tester- The Transition Team
Before we put projects or solutions on the website we want to make sure that they work! Be one of our testers and determine whether these solutions are a good idea. We need 5 people to try out each solution before it gets approved to be put up on the site. Test these out and get back to us with your findings!
Use Hydrogen Peroxide in the following ways:
Whiten Clothes – An Alternative to Beach Add a cup of Peroxide to white clothes in your laundry to whiten them. Peroxide is great to get rid of blood stains on clothes and carpets. If there is blood on clothing, just pour directly on the spot, let it sit for about a minute, then rub and rinse with cold water. Repeat if necessary.
Straight or Diluted Hydrogen Peroxide- Clean your counters and table tops with hydrogen peroxide to kill germs and leave a fresh smell. Simply put a little on your dishrag when you wipe, or spray it on the counters. Use hydrogen peroxide to clean glass and mirrors with no smearing. Keep a spray bottle of 3% (straight) to disinfect the interior of the refrigerator and kids’ school lunch boxes.
In the Dishwasher- Add 2 oz. of 3% Hydrogen peroxide to your regular washing formula.
Mold- Clean with Hydrogen peroxide when your house becomes a biohazard after its invaded by toxic mold, such as those with water damage.
Send us your results in our Report Portal.
YOUR Solution Specialist - [email protected]
When booking a time, please do so 48 hours in advance of your desired day and time. Day of appointments will not be honored as the day's schedule has already been put in motion. Thank you for your understanding.
I support The Transition because: the current state of things is not sustainable and we have to start building a better future NOW!
I am happiest when I'm: in the moment.
People see me as: a person without judgement.
I want to help because: our world is in need of some major healing.
My philosophy on life is: we are all far greater than we give ourselves credit for.
Intentional Community Preference: Income Sharing, Egalitarian
My Personal Reading List (All the books I am currently reading right now)
My Wish List (Want to send me a THANK YOU gift? This is my wish list!)
Personality Test Results:
The 5 Love Languages:
- 7 Words of Affirmation
- 6 Acts of Service
- 6 Physical Touch
- 6 Receiving Gifts
- 5 Quality Time
The 5 Languages of Apology/ When Sorry Isn't Enough:
- 6 Expressing Regret
- 5 Accept Responsibility
- 5 Genuinely Repent
- 4 Make Resitituition
- 0 Request Forgiveness
Strengths Finder 2.0 (Top 5 Results):
- Connectedness
- Ideation
- Individualization
- Input
- Intellection
How The World Sees You Result:
- The Veiled Strength