Loving & Living in Community - [email protected]

By supporting The Transition, I am supporting the efforts to affect a global movement of egalitarianism.

  • Can you help us keep the lights on?

    $1,509.00 raised
    GOAL: $3,000.00

    Why do we need your financial support? Services we offer like Your Action Plan are FREE for you, but not for us. Maintaining and improving our website not only costs a lot of time, but money as well. For example, there are hardware and software costs, telecommunication costs and more. This project is not backed by a company, so there is no fixed funding and every minute we spend on it is taken from our spare time. We rely on the goodwill and generosity of people like you to continue our work until our please_donate.jpg goal of a Global Egalitarian System is a reality. Your Contributions ensures that we remain fiercely independent and able to act in the best interest of humanity. It isn't free, or even cheap, to run The Transition, and the future is a long way away (depending on how active you and others like you are in getting involved and squashing your fears). 

    Your landlord probably won't barter for rent. We have cash expenses too. 

    The Transition runs on generosity, mutual respect, and collaborative efforts.

    Can you help with a contribution of $5, $10, or $20?

    A little goes a long way.

    $5= a month of server time

    $20=1 domain for a year

    $50= Nationbuilder software for 1 month

    $60= One Year of  Leadership Training

    Of course, you can donate any amount you regard appropriate. We hope you get an idea of some of the things we have to pay for in order to maintain this website and our organization, for you.

    So to make sure we can keep this all up and running, we would really appreciate your support!

    With your support, we will work to prevent homelessness, poverty and incite an energy revolution; to protect and preserve our planet; to keep genetically engineered ingredients out of your food by teaching you how to plant and grow your own. We plan to create a peaceful and nuclear-free future.

    Did you know: You can help donate funds without spending anything extra? Yup, Amazon pays us a little commission of whatever you buy, whether it be a product recommended here or anything else, if you follow this Amazon link. This helps us pay for servers and other necessary expenses to keep us running.  Help Us -- Buy at Amazon. Bookmark our Amazon reference link to drop us a little commission every time you buy from them. 

    Donate today!

    Our site exists so that creative solution oriented people (like yourself) can help each other produce results for their grassroots efforts that make global impact . More work gets done in networks of shared respect and shared resources than in competitive isolation. By honoring agreements and working hard, Contributors of The Transition Inter-Community Network will build lasting ties in a community of enormous potential.

    With your help we can create a brighter tomorrow we can all be proud of!




I am a 49 yr young man working to co-create a family based, sex-postive intentional community founded on the principles of egalitarianism, income-sharing, connection, harmony, sustainability through service, and ecological stewardship.
Donate on behalf of Drostan Barclay: