Answer the Questions

Loraine posted a status that expressed his deepest desire and it popped up in my Facebook feed.


I made a comment directly in reference to that status which he "liked".


At this time he was already aware about my personal values and how they align with his own due to being my Facebook friend. He also knew about my affiliation with The Transition since he was part of our Facebook group when we were doing research and development for our website and recruiting beta testers. However, he never became a beta tester or migrated over when we shut down our temporary Facebook group page once our website was launched. My comment demonstrates to him exactly what he needs to do to get what it is he says he wants in his status. Our website was designed specifically for people exactly like him! Everyone needs a fellow "crazy dancing person". Your Action Plan was designed to do just that! 


Many others replied to his thread as well. One of them commented a question directly below his "call to arms"to which I replied.


After reading my response Loraine then "liked" my comment. My one comment by default could potentially have an impact on getting Loraine back involved with The Transition and maybe inspire his FB friend Peter to get involved as well. As interest builds on this thread  many other folks may find themselves ready to take action too. When people ask questions or vent their concerns answer the "call", direct them to where they need to go to make their dreams and aspirations happen.

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