Expectations of joining The Transition

I expect to learn a good way to network with others that share my vision of what our planet should be like. I expect that someone(s) somewhere will help me find a way to convert our bus into an electric vehicle so we can stop using gasoline for fuel. I expect myself to access this site at least once a week to keep current with both my goals and The Transition's goals. I expect that my partner and I will work physically to achieve our goal of being non-polluters. I expect to use this network on a long-term basis. I can only assume that if The Transition helps us obtain an electric motor for our bus that cash contributions and networking with other members is how that will be accomplished. I have no professional capacity to improve unless it's my renown as an unpaid writer, and not being a constant source of pollution would improve my daily outlook on life. I have a few skills that could be of use, somewhere, I'm sure, and my partner is a certified small engine mechanic and very talented with older vehicles. We own our own tools, and would gladly volunteer our labor, tools and/or knowledge to any transition member. I can't imagine turning any other's assistance down. I agree with all I've read about your goals, and would gladly promote The Transition any way I have available. I have some experience with volunteerism and realize sometimes you have to wait a bit for responses from an all-volunteer organization. I want to live harmoniously with people and the planet and I expect The Transition will help me learn how best to accomplish that.

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